Anyone noticed that MS Edge Chromium does not update after Patch Tues?

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  1. Posts : 128
    Windows 10 Pro

    Anyone noticed that MS Edge Chromium does not update after Patch Tues?


    Have noticed an oddball scenario here where my small network of 8 physical machines and 4 VMs would automatically get the latest versions of MS Edge Chromium like clockwork with the help of these two tasks that are installed to Task Scheduler:

    Attachment 328525

    But after this weeks Patch Tuesday - every single machine of mine - including my two Windows 2019 Servers - now need to be manually updated to get the latest Edge release.

    To be sure - after I manually updated a few machines on Sunday to current Edge - I purposely left 4 physical machines alone to see what they would do over the next couple of days.

    This morning - these same four machines have run the pair of so called "Edge Update" tasks above many times - but all four remain on a version of Edge that is NOT current.

    Even my own machine (that I am typing on) is now behind:

    Attachment 328526

    As of right now - Edge is showing as 90.0.818. 41 - but 90.0. 818.42 is now considered current. My Update Tasks have run several times since I started today - but they are getting nothing for an update:

    Attachment 328528

    The same is playing out on every other machine I have whether it be physical Win 10 box, Win Server of VM. I also have a variety of Win 10 flavours installed here ranging from an LTSC box (v1809) to v1909 to v20H2.

    None will "auto update" Edge like they used to say - last week. My only thought is that it might have something to do with the April Cumulative Update - since it is this one that removes the old "legacy" Edge and places the new Chromium version as standard.

    Appreciate any insight into this issue.


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 283
    Win 10 21H2 LTSC

    Edge has its own independent updater sort of like how Chrome does. So isnt bound to patch Tuesday.

    Incidentally how did you enable history, if I enable it in settings for task, it still says disabled. O_o
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 128
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Yes - I am aware of the standalone updater and that it has nothing to do with Patch Tuesday. The fact that Win 10 keeps running these tasks to invoke that "standalone" updater - and I still get no updates - is the issue.

    To enable Task Scheduler History:

    1. Open an elevated Task Scheduler (right-click on the Task Scheduler icon and choose Run as administrator)

    2. In the Actions pane (right pane, not the actions tab), click Enable All Tasks History


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    Windows updates include Edge update, they are applied after restart, it might postpone a regular updater.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 128
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    TairikuOkami said:
    Windows updates include Edge update, they are applied after restart, it might postpone a regular updater.
    Here I am running WSUS so Edge never gets the chance to access the "real" Windows update. And I do not do Edge updates via WSUS - but maybe I need to check that and see what is going on?

    Was not aware that MS was suddenly going to stop using this file:

    Attachment 328543
    To update Edge...

    And to be honest - I never even thought about using WSUS to update Edge...did not even know it could update Edge. Maybe something has changed?

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    I image that it is for a scenario like yours. Admins apply windows updates, but not so much browser updates, which makes them vulnerable, bundling it within CU makes it possible, even if it is not the most recent.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 128
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    TairikuOkami said:
    I image that it is for a scenario like yours. Admins apply windows updates, but not so much browser updates, which makes them vulnerable, bundling it within CU makes it possible, even if it is not the most recent.
    True - but here - with this very small network - I use WSUS only to control the main Win updates - do not want users clicking around and getting anything from WU that hasn't been approved.

    But Edge on the other hand - I actually like the "auto update" feature that these two Task Scheduler tasks handle. It keeps Edge current without any overhead or approvals at all.

    Now it seems like that has suddenly stopped - at least in my case. You would have thought Microsoft might have explained this a bit better. Cannot understand how 10 workstations and 2 servers suddenly stop getting Edge updates all at the same time?

    I need someone from the field to confirm this - preferably someone just running Edge on a typical user desktop with no WSUS in the mix.

    And to test here - I suppose I could rig one of my VMs to do this - just bypass WSUS and see if Edge auto updates itself?

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,029
    Win10 Version 21H2 19044.1645

    I have auto updates enabled but have to update Edge manually unless received thru the CU as indicated in post #6.

    Also, had difficulty manually updating from 89 to 90 due to MSN server being busy (per error received).
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 128
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    pericles said:
    I have auto updates enabled but have to update Edge manually unless received thru the CU as indicated in post #6.
    Interesting. I am still sitting here watching these 4 machines "not" get updated - even as these tasks in Task Scheduler roll by...

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 283
    Win 10 21H2 LTSC

    I managed to enable history reporting and mine runs every hour, I assume its checking for updates, and if there isnt any it wont deploy.
      My Computer


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