Anyone noticed that MS Edge Chromium does not update after Patch Tues?
Have noticed an oddball scenario here where my small network of 8 physical machines and 4 VMs would automatically get the latest versions of MS Edge Chromium like clockwork with the help of these two tasks that are installed to Task Scheduler:
Attachment 328525
But after this weeks Patch Tuesday - every single machine of mine - including my two Windows 2019 Servers - now need to be manually updated to get the latest Edge release.
To be sure - after I manually updated a few machines on Sunday to current Edge - I purposely left 4 physical machines alone to see what they would do over the next couple of days.
This morning - these same four machines have run the pair of so called "Edge Update" tasks above many times - but all four remain on a version of Edge that is NOT current.
Even my own machine (that I am typing on) is now behind:
Attachment 328526
As of right now - Edge is showing as 90.0.818. 41 - but 90.0. 818.42 is now considered current. My Update Tasks have run several times since I started today - but they are getting nothing for an update:
Attachment 328528
The same is playing out on every other machine I have whether it be physical Win 10 box, Win Server of VM. I also have a variety of Win 10 flavours installed here ranging from an LTSC box (v1809) to v1909 to v20H2.
None will "auto update" Edge like they used to say - last week. My only thought is that it might have something to do with the April Cumulative Update - since it is this one that removes the old "legacy" Edge and places the new Chromium version as standard.
Appreciate any insight into this issue.