Thunderbird question - imap vs pop

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  1. Posts : 582
    Thread Starter

    There are two choices I guess. One is "set up your existing email-use your current email address"-- then there is an "import" selection. Sheesh - don't confuse me with two choices, Thunderbird.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, Zebal, I do want all mail from msn as that is the stuff I want to save off my pc by exporting to external drive. Thanks again
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    Import probably refers to importing from file, I would choose "set up your existing email-use your current email address",
    and then supply your msn address with IMAP.

    I don't use thunderbird, maybe someone else experienced with TB can give more accurate steps.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 582
    Thread Starter

    That sounds like a plan. Thanks.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 388
    Windows 10 Home 21H2

    For Thunderbird, all emails are in your "Profile". You can backup the entire profile using the following BAT file. It was written in Greek by someone on StackOverflow.

    The BAT copies from the "Profiles" folder in AppData, to the "Thunderbird" folder in Documents.

    The new folder is automatically given today's date. For example 2021_03_27

    To restore, simply copy-paste from the backup to the Profiles folder.

    BTW: I'm not a techie, so it might be safer to remove all the blank lines in the BAT. In all my posts on this excellent forum, I need to insert multiple lines between paragraphs. Otherwise every line is joined up into one single long paragraph. (I was told that the forum software is written in BASIC, like PC-DOS . Maybe not.)

    REM This bat copies files from sd to dd

    @Echo Off

    Set "sd=C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles"

    Set "dd=E:\Documents\Data\1SoftwareRelated\Backups\Thunderbird"

    Set "ds="

    If Not Exist "%sd%" Exit /B

    For /F "Tokens=1-3Delims=/ " %%A In ('RoboCopy/NJH /L "\|" Null'

    ) Do If Not Defined ds Set "ds=%%A_%%B_%%C"

    If Not Defined ds Exit /B

    RoboCopy "%sd%" "%dd%\%ds%" /E

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 582
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    Oh boy...I am so NOT a techie - for me attempting this would be akin to walking into a dark cave. Hmm. I still have to install Thunderbird so will take it from there once I do. Don't know about this suggestion, however, Thanks so much. Dark caves notwithstanding.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 149
    windows 10 Pro

    patriceltic said:
    Oh boy...I am so NOT a techie - for me attempting this would be akin to walking into a dark cave. Hmm. I still have to install Thunderbird so will take it from there once I do. Don't know about this suggestion, however, Thanks so much. Dark caves notwithstanding.
    It's easily done manually, just back up your Profile Folder, found easily here...

    Thunderbird question - imap vs pop-tbird-profile.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 388
    Windows 10 Home 21H2

    - Copy everything below the dashed line into Notepad or N++, or some other ASCII editor (i.e. no hidden control characters).

    - Save as "Thunderbird"

    - That file is likely to have a TXT extension.

    - Change the extension to BAT. Save.

    - Double click on the file in Win Explorer.

    - A DOS console will open, and the file will execute.

    - The file stops (because of the "Pause" command). Hit Enter to close the console. (Otherwise the buffer might not be flushed - I can't remember all that stuff. DOS is a pesky environment.)

    - The new file will be in your target directory.

    If you repeat the backup on the same day, the latest backup will overwrite the earlier backup.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 582
    Thread Starter

    OldGrantonian - love that avatar as well. Thanks, you clarified the process. Appreciate.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, all of this may be for naught. I tried to set up Thunderbird using my current msn address and it fails the set up. It says: Unable to login at server - probably wrong configuration - user name - or password.
    So, no deal at this point.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    Following are settings for MSN - IMAP:
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 582
    Thread Starter

    I copied and pasted the info provided and now it is stuck on "checking password" -- I got further with those settings but now it's hung up on password. I cancelled and started over and now it looks like it's importing my emails. I guess I'm there. Sheesh. I just don't like doing this stuff. Now I have to deal with the export function as so many have kindly offered their suggestions. Thanks again for all your help.

    I am also wondering -- what is the reason for Thunderbird's existence? For multiple email accounts in one place? That and for me, the export function. Just curious. So I now have Thunderbird and MSN side by side. Until I get used to Tbird, guess I'll keep it that way.
    Last edited by patriceltic; 27 Mar 2021 at 12:24.
      My Computer


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