Facebook does not load 7 years old videos of Qasim Ali Shah anymore???

  1. Posts : 2
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home, 64 bit, Build 19042, Installed 20210212043220.000000+060

    Facebook does not load 7 years old videos of Qasim Ali Shah anymore???

    Hello friends,

    It's my first time request both on tenforums.com and facebook.com.

    I have earlier sent request regarding trouble with video appearing by page going down and down. which is below.

    Please help me.

    I consult Somebody called "Qasim Ali Shah" videos and view even five years old videos???

    A serious problem has occurred and I can not view 5 years old videos which are somewhere down the page.

    Earlier I viewed them by pressing them with toothpick pressing Page Down button on my Laptop keyboard. earlier had it always worked for me but now in-spite of 7 years old it hangs on 2 years older videos only and wont move further???

    I don't know how to solve out this issue???

    Can you please tell me why does it freeze, how to fix freeze???

    And /Or there are any alternative ways to Qasim Ali Shah's 7 years old videos view????


    Waiting for your reply,

    Best regards,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,608
    Win 10 home 20H2 19042.1110

    Here's a Google search for him... maybe his stuff is still available on YouTube. who is Qasim Ali Shah? - Google Search
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home, 64 bit, Build 19042, Installed 20210212043220.000000+060
    Thread Starter

    Jacee said:
    Here's a Google search for him... maybe his stuff is still available on YouTube. who is Qasim Ali Shah? - Google Search
    Dear friend Jacee,

    Thanks for taking time to read, answer and investigating in QAS.
    You are right there is a video page of QAS on you tube.
    Unfortunately it is 5 years old, while Facebook page of QAS goes 7 years back so youtube is still missing those videos in the begining I need to get into???.

    Thanks for taking time to answer. However I hope you can help me with Facebook fix???

    Best regards,
      My Computer


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