MS Edge updates and firewall error every time
Yes, first option for all rules.
Direction outbound, protocol TCP (name it "Edge HTTP/S").
Enter ports separated by comma: 80, 443
Add second rule same as first one except, protocol UDP, port 443 (name it "Edge QUIC")
Add third rule for edge updates for program:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\MicrosoftEdgeUpdate.exe
protocol TCP, port 443 (name it "Edge Updates")
Optional rules you may want to add are as follows:
to run speed test on with edge you'll need: outbound TCP 5060, 8080 for msedge.exe (name it "Edge Speedtest") and set to disabled by default if you wish.
to be able to visit FTP servers with edge you'll need: outbound TCP 21 for msedge.exe (name it "Edge FTP")
No inbound rules are needed except for "cast to device" and similar.
- - - Updated - - -
Ah I guess you need no rules at all then.
thank you - all done - i added the 3 rules as you said - as for speedtest, it works fine without adding any other extra rule.
One final question: Local and Remote ports they both need to have the ports specified, yes?
Sorry I misunderstood what you want initially, bottom line is, If you don't block outbound rules by default then you need no rules at all for edge, it will just work.
But if you insist on having rules, ports are specified only in "Remote port" filed, leave "Local port" unset, that is "All"
Those rules (and any other outbound rules) will have no effect without default blocking.
Sorry I misunderstood what you want initially, bottom line is, If you don't block outbound rules by default then you need no rules at all for edge, it will just work.
But if you insist on having rules, ports are specified only in "Remote port" filed, leave "Local port" unset, that is "All"
Those rules (and any other outbound rules) will have no effect without default blocking.
well it's very simple, i just want:
a) Edge not bugging me every time there's an upgrade about firewall inbound rules because the path changed
b) The proper rules to be in place to block non-regular traffic
a) Since you deleted those automatic edge rules it should no longer ask you during edge update.
b) It's not that simple because if you configure default outbound blocking you'll need a lot more rules, not just for edge.
Inbound blocking is already set by default in Win. Firewall, so there is nothing else you need to do.
If the problem happens again, ex if next edge update adds automatic rules again then that's a different story but it should not.
a) Since you deleted those automatic edge rules it should no longer ask you during edge update.
b) It's not that simple because if you configure default outbound blocking you'll need a lot more rules, not just for edge.
Inbound blocking is already set by default in Win. Firewall, so there is nothing else you need to do.
If the problem happens again, ex if next edge update adds automatic rules again then that's a different story but it should not.
hmmh so adding these in outbound is not doing anything? quite new to these advanced rules.. thanks for all the info: