Does Microsoft Edge actually suck?

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  1. Posts : 1,207
    11 Home

    Edwin said:
    • Edge is sluggish,
    • MS puts too much bloat in it,
    • Can't sign in with a Google account,
    • No need for it to be an integral part of the OS!
    To uninstall Edge Chromium and block it from automatically getting reinstalled by Windows Update, I made a small batchfile. (Must be run as Administrator.)
    FOR /D %%D IN ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\*") DO "%%~fD\Installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall 2> NUL
    REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate /v "DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    The original edge was terrible.

    The new edge I use when I am on a site that complains about my ad blockers....then I switch to edge. Chrome is what I use.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 170

    Edge on win 10 loads most websites faster and with less resource usage compared to other browsers and I use my browser to load websites.
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  4. Posts : 2
    Microsoft Windows 10 Home - 64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    f14tomcat said:
    Oh, it definitely is a browser. Being on Windows 20H2, that should be reasonably obvious.

    Is it better than Opera GX? No idea. I know it's better than IE used to be, but I still prefer FF.
    Lol XD! I forgot good. I meant is it a good browser XD!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,842
    Windows 10

    FutureGaming1 said: it a good browser...

    comme ci comme ça
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    I like the new edge, but recent updates made it harder to use, ex:

    to open bookmarks or bookmark manager you need to click on "Favorites" and then this ugly looking drop down appears so you need to again expand yet another drop down and only then choose your option.

    Normally it was like in chrome, click on favorites and desired function (only 2 clicks)

    Same applies to history and most other functions, you need to spend twice as much clicks to get where you want and to do what you want.

    Secondly if you have thousands of bookmarks, searching them will freeze your browser, searching as you type is not usable at all due to freezes, in chrome this function works instantly.

    To turn off or use some features you need to sign into MS account.

    Otherwise edge is just fine, but if MS continues to make it harder to use and to break features that are working just fine and to which most users are acustomized I may consider to switch back to chrome.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,053
    Windows 10 preview 64-bit Home

    In Edge CTRL+SHIFT+O is for favourites and CTRL+H is for instant History. Don't have 'thousands' of favourites yet but search seems to work.
    Does Microsoft Edge actually suck?-screenshot_4.png
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    Hi @Fabler2

    Shortcuts are awesome workaround but not a solution to clicking problem.
    I want to correct myself about searching bookmarks, it seems to work fast now, but sometimes it freezes, it doesn't appear as a constant problem.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 285
    Win 10 21H2 LTSC

    Personally I think the chromium based Edge browser is better than Chrome.

    They added improvements for multimedia, two such examples are it wont cache streaming media to disk by default (really dont understand why browsers ever did this), and it supports playready DRM. But it is also a bit more privacy friendly and offers more privacy features.

    Finally it now supports a side tab bar, so finally someone else apart from Vivaldi is willing to change the UI.

    My only real gripe is that the size of its UI elements are quite big and it seems to be optimised for 4k screens in that regard. I have a 1440p screen so they must look absolutely huge on a 1080p screen.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,207
    11 Home

    Chrysalis said:
    Personally I think the chromium based Edge browser is better than Chrome.

    They added improvements for multimedia, two such examples are it wont cache streaming media to disk by default (really dont understand why browsers ever did this), and it supports playready DRM. But it is also a bit more privacy friendly and offers more privacy features.

    Finally it now supports a side tab bar, so finally someone else apart from Vivaldi is willing to change the UI.

    My only real gripe is that the size of its UI elements are quite big and it seems to be optimised for 4k screens in that regard. I have a 1440p screen so they must look absolutely huge on a 1080p screen.
    Chromium based Edge is better than Chrome, yes of course. But still nowhere nearly as good as Firefox Portable Edition.

    The portable edition of Firefox, or Firefox portable offers much more user flexibility. I can make multiple copies of my C:\FirefoxPortable folder, which I can store as backups, and I can individually customize each copy by applying different settings and addon configurations on each copy. I can easily move them around, from one storage location to another, and from one PC to another. And, with the help of Sandboxie Plus, I can run each custom copy as a separate instance, concurrently. By design, Firefox portable stores most of its internal work data in memory, greatly reducing physical disk access. It still offers strong performance, in spite of the fact that running it in a sandbox with Sandboxie is causing it to perform just a little bit slower compared to running it like normal.

    I can use a combination of batchfiles and scripts (VBScript, PowerShell, JScript, JavaScript, AutoHotKey, AutoIt, AutoItX, etc.) to automate various many different browser tasks and their related sandbox manipulations. By making use of NTFS junctions and hard links (features that are an integral part of the NTFS filesystem, and that become lots easier to use on Windows after the free Link Shell Extension has been installed) in addition to this, and by, at the same time also, making use of the type of Ramdisk that uses Dynamic Memory Management (e.g. Romex Software Primo Ramdisk or the free ImDisk), I can optimize my various browser tasks further.

    Bottom line? Chromium based Edge easily compares to a block of concrete that is lying at the bottom of the Canal─somewhere halfway along the cargo route that separates our Belgian coast from the white cliffs of Dover.
      My Computers


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