Can't check the box to delete the email. It just opens the email.

  1. Posts : 2

    Can't check the box to delete the email. It just opens the email.

    210306 e5430-yahoo on chrome only, I Can't check the box to delete the email. It just opens the email. How do I get this back to working right? Dell E5430, W10-pro, 64bit ver=20H2, build 19042.804, chrome ver=89.0.4389.82, same CPU yahoo on Firefox worked ok, Seems to be a chrome only setting on this laptop, Did a system restore just in case. In chrome, I cleared browsing data-Advanced[all but download history] + disabled DuckDuckGo=no difference. Rebooted several times. 3 other laptops all work ok with chrome yahoo. Thanks, Dave
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    Can you just right click on the email and choose delete ?

    It will then go to the trash can, from there just click on the trash can to delete its content.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    no the check box, up/down arrow, and top menu is not highlighted and not clickable.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 1,608
    Win 10 home 20H2 19042.1110

    It sounds like something is still loading .... Check if you've done all this on the specific computer: Make Yahoo Mail the default email in Windows or your web browser |

    You might also clear the cache in your browser.
      My Computers


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