MSN Games problem joining/chat with Multiplayer games like Hearts, etc

  1. Posts : 343
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    MSN Games problem joining/chat with Multiplayer games like Hearts, etc

    Has anyone had any success running MSN Games MSN Games - Free Online Games on any Web Browser under Windows 10?!

    I have latest Adobe flash player. I tried with latest up to date Web Browsers such as Google Chrome, Edge, Waterfox and Internet Explorer.

    When I try to click the Public button or Watch button, nothing happens at all! The button is being pressed but nothing happens.

    The right side chat box of the lobby is also completely greyed out and I cannot chat or even ask for help.
    MSN Games problem joining/chat with Multiplayer games like Hearts, etc-msn-gaming-zone-greyed-out-join-button-not-working.jpg

    This problem has been persisting for months since upgrading to Windows 10 and I tried contacting MSN Support via email, Facebook and Microsoft support forums and nobody is responding.

    The only way I can play a game is by pressing the Play Now button but this isn't the solution as it teams me up with Bots instead.

    I am on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 1903. Flash player is up to date. On my mum's Windows 7 PC it runs fine with her outlook account and I tested with mine as well, works perfect. Works on my dads Windows 8.1 system as well without issues.

    Any ideas what's going on? May this be the reason why there are so few players online, because most people are having technical problems with MSN Games+Windows 10? Can someone with Windows 10 confirm that MSN Multiplayer Games are working on their system and lobby chat isn't greyed out?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 343
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    After over 3 months MSN Games finally fixed. Now it is properly loading in both Google Chrome and Firefox/Waterfox.
    MSN Games problem joining/chat with Multiplayer games like Hearts, etc-msn-games-problem-fixed.jpg
    Now as you can see the page is loading properly and the lobby chat is no longer greyed out! Also the Play button and Public join bottons are functioning. Before it would do nothing if I pressed any of them.

    Switching lobby rooms also wasn't working before now it is working.

    Seems like it was indeed a fault of MSN and they fixed it! I didn't do anything on my part. But it was strange that on my Windows 10 machine 3 months ago it wasn't working on my PC but was working on my mum and dads Windows 8.1 and 7 PCs. Even when I logged in with my Microsoft account from them it was working fine. But on my PC it was greyed out.

    Now it is working again. Btw, I didn't even update Windows 10 as I use Windows Update Blocker tool so that safely confirms that the problem was not on my end.

    Anyway, in December 2020 Flash Player will be retired so it won't be an issue anyway.
      My Computer


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