Going from Office 2013 to email on Windows 10

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Going from Office 2013 to email on Windows 10

    This may sound like a chrome issue at first, but it isn't. Bear with me.

    I just upgraded to Windows 10. I went through the steps to make my gmail account on chrome my default email. Now, whenever I click an email link on a web page, it opens right up.

    However, that doesn't happen if I'm in word (or excel, presumably) with an open document and I click File - share - email - send as attachment. Instead I get the error message, "Word couldn't send mail because of MAPI failure: 'Unspecified error'." The help link that opens reads, "This error can occur if you attempt to send a Word document as an e-mail attachment in Word and the MAPI session was closed and word is no longer able to connect to that MAPI session."

    Is there some way to fix this? Thank you in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 377
    Windows 10.0.19043.2006

    KaiserD2 said:
    However, that doesn't happen if I'm in word (or excel, presumably) with an open document and I click File - share - email - send as attachment. Instead I get the error message, "Word couldn't send mail because of MAPI failure: 'Unspecified error'." The help link that opens reads, "This error can occur if you attempt to send a Word document as an e-mail attachment in Word and the MAPI session was closed and word is no longer able to connect to that MAPI session."
    My experience is that the "Send" option in Office applications requires an email client, such as Outlook, and won't work with a browser. Perhaps others can say more...
      My Computer


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