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  1. Posts : 52
    Win 10


    If I was to change to Webmail would it take both my gmail and plusnet address's??
    also could I transfer all address's to it, I have them in a CSV file.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    Gmail has the functionality to check other email accounts - I've been using it for many years, for throwaway accounts, Microsoft accounts, and others

    You just need to set up the collection option, by providing the address and password plus the Server details etc,

    They did have to be set up as pop3 rather than IMAP (well they did when I set mine up last century ), But looks like this is no longer a requirement

    Get Gmail features for your other email accounts - Computer - Gmail Help

    You should also be able to add your address list, Gmail accepts CSV directly, but you may need to adjust the fields to suit Gmail's setup

    Import Upload a Mailing List or Emails – FlashIssue

    There is an additional option, setup something such as Thunderbird, to handle your email on your personal system('s) you can use the same setup as above and just collect gmail, (which includes your Plusnet email).

    This would give you a more traditional local mail client, but also allow you to use Gmail on a smartphone, Internet Cafe, or even Work , (when it's allowed)
    Last edited by Barman58; 03 Feb 2020 at 04:40.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 52
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for that reply, I have Gmail on my phone, but I feel I may have a problem with what I want to do on my email, I am secretary to a couple of clubs, so have over 100 address's, in 3/4 different contact folders, as I send out emails Bcc to names in folders,
    I use to love Windows Live Mail in Win7, but now I am Win10 it does not work. eM Client works OK, but am not happy with it,
    think I am just being fussy and don't like change's.

    Do you reckon this will work??? Where can I download Windows Live Mail for Windows 10?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,201
    Windows 10 Pro x64 Latest RP

    It may work, but I have read some reports that as the Windows 10 updates are issued then the older apps are less likely to work, even those that worked in the early days of W10.

    This means of course that if you get it working, and there's no harm in trying, it may only turn out to be a stop gap measure.

    One other thing to consider, some free email clients have been a little unhappy, when their software is used for sending newsletters, where they associate the bulk mailings with spam. Should not be a major issue but something to be aware of
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,797
    Windows 10

    You can use the Windows 10 Mail App. In conjunction with the People App for your Address lists.
    Used this in parallel with Windows Live Mail 2012 for a year. Then dropped WLM 2012 as it is no longer supported, no point in struggling on with that.

    I have a number of Email Accounts for different purposes, like to keep these entirely separate but easily accessible.

    You can Sync contacts with a Gmail Account for sure, I don't know specifically about a Plusnet Mail account, but you should be able to find out.

    Whilst you can use Gmail Webmail interface to access other Accounts to me that is confusing.

    You can import/export CSV contact files in Gmail, however you may well find things in the wrong fields and so forth as different Accounts have their own ideas.

    You will have to find out from Plusnet and Gmail policies about bulk Emailing.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 52
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    It's a mine-field, why oh why did Microsoft not have WLM in Win10, I am trying to get on with eM Client, but can't get the contacts book looking 'right', also I find it takes a long time opening, have icon on bottom tast bar, but seems I have to click it at least twice for it to open, then wait ages to see if any new mail.
    I also use to use Mailwasher, that told me instantly if I had any new mail and I could delete from there what I did not want.
    Think I am just a moaner who want's what she can't have, am gratful for all the advice and will look into it all.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,587
    22H2 64 Bit Pro


    Following on from another of your threads (emclient)

    I use this webmail provider:

    Organising Email Accounts with Mail Collector | GMX

    It's free so if it doesn't suit your needs then no problem. Here's a screenshot showing a gmx email account plus a gmail account and two hotmail accounts.


    You can manage contacts and create groups.


    You can send group emails and choose the "From" address as gmail if you want.


    You can get the GMX mail check extension for chrome or firefox.

    MailCheck: Email Notifications For Chrome | GMX
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14,663
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    widgetwilk, I can't improve on the suggestions but since E-Mail is involved would suggest you look at Callender's time versus yours. This forum displays the user local time and yours is different from his by 6 hours and both of you are in the UK [under your name]. I keep 2 time zones on my computers, hovering over the clock in the Notification Area gives me local plus GMT/UTC which are 7 hours apart.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 7,587
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    My local time is correct. Just checked.

    Check screenshot against the time of this post.

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 7,587
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    Also a couple of screenshots of GMX extension.


      My Computer


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