Windows 10 Mail & POP3

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 10

    Windows 10 Mail & POP3

    I’ve been reading this thread

    but i need to be able to set it to remove mail from the server - this setting has always been an option with PO3 accounts -

    but in Mail Version 16005.10827.20186.0 - in Account Settings - the change Sync Settings is greyed out (this is where I assume the setting to remove mail would be

    any tips??
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,039
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    I gave up on POP3 accounts ages ago and now just use IMAP accounts which enable you to synch mail across multiple devices.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    POP3 accounts actually download the mail to your computer so there is no need to leave mail on the server

    It's a pain for me as a small independent web host as I have to pay for storage space and an email account can run to many gigabytes over time if mail (including attachments) are left on the server

    thats why i run very few iMap accounts on my server
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,799
    Windows 10

    That guide is 3 years out of date. Some detail is not quite right.
    The Sync only applies to IMAP accounts.

    You should select IMAP when setting up the Email Account for the functionality you require. There is no local Email folder when using the Win 10 Mail App it is a relatively simple application.

    The options you mention for POP, you may need to get to your Email Account the Webmail way.

    "POP3 accounts actually download the mail to your computer so there is no need to leave mail on the server"
    This is the Windows 10 Mail App which is rather simple and limited functionality.
      My Computer


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