Unable to login on SOME secure sites
I may have some incorrect windows 10 security settings
I am experiencing problems on some secure sites (but not all) that require login with password. They fail to log me in with my credentials using Chrome, but when I try the same with e.g. Edge I have no problem. Same when I login using my wife's computer using Chrome I have no problem.. What I have tried so far:
1. disable all extentions
2. Clean browser data (cookies etc.)
3. Enabled Java
4. Reset Chrome to "Default" settings
5. Uninstall/Re-installed Chrome
6. Posted a message on the Chrome user forum (no answer)
None of these measures resulted in a successful login with Chrome
However, logging in to the same website with e.g. Edge worked all fine.
Also, and that is the most surprising, I AM able to login on my wife's computer using Chrome, leading me to believe that the problem is on a higher level, maybe OS level?
I am using Windows 10 Ver. 1803.17134.376
What to do next?