Windows 10 browsers are not connecting to internet but any else is...
So Im using my mobile data on my pc with usb modem ofc and so now randomly (couldv been after update) chrome or any other browser doesnt take internet connection, youtube page worked in chrome buy anything else no. Other apps like steam works well with net and even games do so it shouldnt be internet problem. Whenever I launched a new tab (witch/twitter/fb or whatever page) then it said err_connection_closed or later with on err_timed_out, looked up for some help on yt, did the cmd stuff with ip reset and flush and other things there were said, cleared out chromes data but still nothing, uninstalled chrome then tried to install it back from Edge or explorer but ofcourse nothing worked, Edge said page is not safe or something.. Tried safe mode but what else to do there if no connection and theres no option to make safe mode with connection... also same with me sharing net to pc (like wifi).. need help, soo frustrated already.