Edge 1809 - Edit "Share/Save picture as" context menu

  1. Posts : 45
    Microsoft Windows 10 Professional

    Edge 1809 - Edit "Share/Save picture as" context menu

    So apparently some broken lightbulb over at MS decided to put "Share picture" above "Save picture as" when using the RMB context menu which INSANELY grinds my gears as I now have to actually look where I point my coursor when doing the most used task instead of just nudging it down a little after performing the RMB click.

    Like really!? Who in their right mind places the most used task on the 2nd spot?!

    Anyway... Does anyone know if and how one can either remove or relocate the "Share picture" in the context menu?

    My work PC, now also running on 1809 does not have the "Share picture" context menu which gives me hope to get rid of that atrocity.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 11
    Win 10

    It is getting used to it, but after a while, you don't have to look anymore.
    I still agree with you though.
      My Computer


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