How do I create a template in W10 Mail app?

  1. Y2k
    Posts : 2

    How do I create a template in W10 Mail app?

    Hi. I searched through the forums, did not find any conclusive threads. Is it even possible to create a template in windows 10 mail app, so I don't have to re-write everything when sending similar emails to different addresses? (i.e. cover letters for jobs, etc)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,462
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, welcome to tenforums. The Mail app isn't a full-featured client. I don't believe it supports that.

    I'd suggest you look elsewhere- 3rd party (free)? Outlook?
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2,795
    Windows 10

    Indeed, the W10 Mail App is a relatively simple Mail Client. You can do simple Copy/Paste operations, add a signature is about it.

    The full MS Outlook application has all the features required but is quite pricey for one application.
      My Computer

  4. Y2k
    Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    Cool! Thanks for the help, I didnt know this was supposed to be a lightweight basic mail app, that's good!
    I think I found a work around, I added everything to my signature and I'll from now on write my emails at the signature as well.

    While I have you, could you tell me if you think this will give any problems in future? I notice sometimes other people's signatures are hidden in emails I exchange. I fear it may hide the whole message in some cases?

    How do I create a template in W10 Mail app?-screenshot_3.jpg
      My Computer


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