There has been apps that communicate via the internet that PC Matic will block but a popup occurs & you can okay the app as good. It will not occur again after that. This isn't happening for Edge.
I contacted PC Matic & they had me create a file for them to evaluate. It was sent automatically upon finishing. Edge does work if I turn protection off, then back on again & seems okay until I restart the PC. I have no idea what that's about.
Maybe I used Whitelist loosely as I assumed PC Matic needed to have Edge on their "good app" list or something.
Could be that Edge was updated and it wasn't whitelisted yet...
When the problem is known, solution is just a matter of time
found this on their forums:
See if Advanced Mode in Super Shield helps in your situation:
Super Shield Advanced:
Please set Super Shield in Advanced Mode as follows:
Click the Green Super Shield icon in the lower right corner of the task bar
Move the cursor up to "Protection Level" **don't click**
Move the cursor to: "Block Notification Method" **don't click**
Move the cursor to: "Prompt for Override (Advanced)" <<Click Here>>
When you open the program in question again, and when the SuperShield blocking screen appears, add the programs to your local white list by clicking on the red "Always Allow" button, provided that you know for sure that these are legitimate programs, or add them to the local black list by clicking on the green "Always Block" button to avoid seeing the warning screen for that specific executable.
Please note that Advanced Mode is only recommended for the brief period of time to whitelist an item. Please return Super Shield back to it's default "Super Shield Protection" level once the white listing has been completed.
See if Advanced Mode in Super Shield helps in your situation:
Super Shield Advanced:
Please set Super Shield in Advanced Mode as follows:
Click the Green Super Shield icon in the lower right corner of the task bar
Move the cursor up to "Protection Level" **don't click**
Move the cursor to: "Block Notification Method" **don't click**
Move the cursor to: "Prompt for Override (Advanced)" <<Click Here>>
When you open the program in question again, and when the SuperShield blocking screen appears, add the programs to your local white list by clicking on the red "Always Allow" button, provided that you know for sure that these are legitimate programs, or add them to the local black list by clicking on the green "Always Block" button to avoid seeing the warning screen for that specific executable.
Please note that Advanced Mode is only recommended for the brief period of time to whitelist an item. Please return Super Shield back to it's default "Super Shield Protection" level once the white listing has been completed.
I had forgotten how to do this. This is what I was referring to in my last post but unfortunately this had no effect.