How to remaximize page size on Chrome
Hi not sure what the cause of this is but when on Chrome browser earlier I accidentally clicked on something (can't remember what) and the page inexplicably shrunk to half size so that the right hand side of the page is unseen and inaccessible so then obviously I can't just click on the maximize button to recover full page size because there's no maximize button on the left of the page. Don't know if it's Chrome or Windows or what. Have switched to IE for now, all as normal which makes me think it might be something to do with the Chrome browser.
Have tried to drag left hand side of page across to the left so that I can get to the maximize button on the right but it won't drag. Have tried pressing control, shift while trying to drag to the left but still won't drag to the left. Also tried using right click to do the same but still no movement. It's happened before but I managed to fix it through trial and error but can't remember how.
Using Windows 10 on laptop.
Could someone please tell me in simple step by step procedure how to resolve this, this time I'll note it down so I'll be able to fix it next time it happens.
Advice gratefully appreciated.