Windows randomly deletes restore points

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  1. Posts : 56,997
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    Cerawy said:
    Just found out today that windows has created nothing less than 9 system restore points with the same date, completely wiping out all the manual restore points that I made myself. So I now have 9 system restore points that are basically the same, and all the system restore points that I made are just gone like that. Absolutely ridicilious. I wanted to restore my computer to one of the system restore points that I made about a week ago but they are wiped out by windows.

    You are right, discard this as a solution.
    Where are you seeing these 9 restore points? Picture if you can.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 1,031
    Thread Starter

    What bothers me is that windows is deleting my restore points and replacing them with restore points that doesn't work. I have tested the restore points that windows is creating, and they almost always come up with an error message. I am tempted to simply disable system at this point restore because its causing more problems than its solving.

    f14tomcat said:
    Where are you seeing these 9 restore points? Picture if you can.
    They are listed in system protection, I don't have a screengrab right now though.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,031
    Thread Starter

    I found a solution, stop using unreliable programs from windows and use aomei backup instead.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 622
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    I disabled System Restore since December and use Macrium Backup Free. It has already saved me from reinstalling five times already. Before that System Restore would delete restore points or fail and I had to reinstall anyway.

    System Restore also uses about 10GB of useless restore points wearing out my SSD quicker.
      My Computer


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