How can i export my Backup Event-Id's for 10 servers to 1 .txt file

  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 10

    How can i export my Backup Event-Id's for 10 servers to 1 .txt file

    Hi all!

    First of all, i am new to scripting but i want to learn it.
    We have Server 2012R2 in our organization and Windows Server Backup is running on each server daily. I want to automatically write a .txt file every day with the backup result to a destination (C:\Logfiles). I want all servers to write in that same file so i have 1 text-file with 10 server backup results from each one.

    I know i can attach a script to an Event-ID, such as eventid:4 (backup success).

    I am working on this for 2 days now but what am i doing wrong?
    I used powershell and also cmd but can't get it working (wevtutil qe Microsoft-Windows-Backup /f:text /q:"*[System/EventID=4] and *[EventData/Data[@Name='HRESULT']='0']")

    The script is needed for failed backup results and successfull backup results. I know that the failed backup results have a lot of event id's: 5,8,9,17,22 etc.

    Can somebody help me with this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. When wrting to a file you can use > to create the file ie dir >test.txt after that to write to same file you append with >> ie dir >>test.txt
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    Welcome to the forum. When wrting to a file you can use > to create the file ie dir >test.txt after that to write to same file you append with >> ie dir >>test.txt
    Thanks for that! Is there somebody who can help me with the correct syntax to get the event-id result for every day's backup?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I now used Backup Failed and Backup Success scripts with the following content: $text = "$(Get-Date) CC-server01: Backup failed" $text >> 'C:\Log\Logging.txt'

    Also for the one that is successfull.
    I did this on 2 servers for testing and i have one script for the mailing:

    Send-MailMessage -Attachments 'C:\Log\Logging.txt' -SmtpServer "" -From "" -To "" -Subject "Daily Report"
      My Computer


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