System Restore - Recommended size?

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  1. Posts : 112
    Win 7

    Almighty1 said:
    There goes that thought since my other drives have 0 data on them so thought I could do it there instead.
    with Macrium reflect or easeus to do backup free or other third-party backup tools, you can save the images on any partition or better on external hard drive. and set to automatically delete old images to save space.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,106
    Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10, Linux, Android, FreeBSD Unix
    Thread Starter

    Molyy said:
    with Macrium reflect or easeus to do backup free or other third-party backup tools, you can save the images on any partition or better on external hard drive. and set to automatically delete old images to save space.
    Can it clone a drive while Windows is running as I basically have two identical hard drives and figured to periodically clone the drives so should one fail or other problems, I can just swap the drives and boot from it.
      My Computer


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