iTunes/Music backup

  1. Posts : 93

    iTunes/Music backup

    Before I do a clean install of Windows 10, I would like to know how to back up any music which isn't covered by my iTunes Match subscription. I know that I shall be able to bring in most of my music and I have backed up the ring tones which I have created to a thumb drive. I am really concerned about the CDs I have added to iTunes but have since given away.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 0
    Dual Boot 10 Pro v1607 10 Pro rs2 build 14971

    Copy the iTunes folder (it's inside of the Music folder) to your thumbdrive. After you have clean installed, copy iTunes folder of your thumbdrive into the music folder of your clean install. Download iTunes from apple and install it and you will be all set. The iTunes folder contains all the music, books, apps, etc. found when you open iTunes.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 93
    Thread Starter

    Thank you.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 93
    Thread Starter

    That went well up to a point. I got my music back into iTunes. I had also copied my audiobooks to the thumb drive and back but when I go into iTunes and try to add the folder containing the audiobooks, it fails to do so.

    Any solution, please?
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 0
    Dual Boot 10 Pro v1607 10 Pro rs2 build 14971

    If the audio books were already in iTunes they should still be there. You can add files ( books) by clicking on "my books" tab and then clicking on the top left button to open a menu. About half way down is "add file to library". that should import a book at a time. Apple does have a decent support page.iTunes - Apple Support. Good luck.
      My Computer


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