Anyway to fix Windows 11 repair loop on another internal Windows Driv?

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  1. Posts : 39
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Here's a pic of shadow, weird because I ran this a couple days ago and it showd two volume paths, I forget the name but I'm pretty sure the NVMe was there. Anyway to fix Windows 11 repair loop on another internal Windows Driv?-shadow.jpg

    - - - Updated - - -

    So I added the exact command, but I still got the repair screen. Also, when I selected the Sata SSD C Drive, I was given a choice between windows 10 or 11, which is weird because I thought we added the command to the NVMe drive? Anyway I chose windows 11, then got an error. Luckily I rebooted and selected windows 10 and I'm back in the SATA drive Anyway to fix Windows 11 repair loop on another internal Windows Driv?-348359519_1191451718237357_685297481297217089_n.jpg

    Video of loop:

    I'm using Clover via a separate USB to run the NVMe. I have a clone of this NVMe in case of these situations but I'd like to solve this before popping the new one back in. I also have a clone of the USB Clover bootloader, which I'm using now, so I don't think it's corrupted. Seems to just be the NVMe windows 11 drive

    Btw how do I reverse this CMD now?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, I've tried multiple videos like this, none of which worked:

    [url=]Startup Repair Windows 11 | How to Automatic Repair Loop Problems in Windows 11 - YouTube[/url

    Some commands like "gpupdate" or "bootrec" say access denied
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,036

    it is telling you the missing/damaged file is stexstor.sys.

    you could try replacing it manually.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 39
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    SIW2 said:
    it is telling you the missing/damaged file is stexstor.sys.

    you could try replacing it manually.
    I thought that error was because I tried to start a windows 11 bootloader on the drive with windows 10. I didn't see any bootloader options when I selected the Nvme window 11 drive, just went straight to the loop
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    dracarys said:
    Btw how do I reverse this CMD now?
    Press Win + R to open a run dialog box. Run msconfig . Select the boot tab. Delete the extra boot entry listed there.

    Unfortunately, you Windows installation itself is corrupted, not the boot files. I would suggest you take your losses, copy out any data files you need to keep and do a clean install of Windows.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 39
    Windows 10
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    NavyLCDR said:
    Press Win + R to open a run dialog box. Run msconfig . Select the boot tab. Delete the extra boot entry listed there.

    Unfortunately, you Windows installation itself is corrupted, not the boot files. I would suggest you take your losses, copy out any data files you need to keep and do a clean install of Windows.

    Thanks. I just swapped NVMe drives so I'm logged into window 11, is there anything I can do so this sdoesnt happen again? How do I make an restore point? This is how I usually do it, but now it's giving me an error and says missingAnyway to fix Windows 11 repair loop on another internal Windows Driv?-system-restore.jpg
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    Windows built-in restore points have a very high failure rate. It is recommended to make backup images using a third party program such as Macrium Reflect. It still has a free edition available, just a little harder to find.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 39
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    Windows built-in restore points have a very high failure rate. It is recommended to make backup images using a third party program such as Macrium Reflect. It still has a free edition available, just a little harder to find.
    I just used the free version to make a backup clone. But how do I make a backup image clone, and would this still require a separate drive or can it be accessed somewhere in Windows 11 incase I get another repair loop?

    Fixed the missing thing, but yeah probably won't work since it didn't last time
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,036

    Because C (missing) is missing, turn of system protection for that phantom.

    Contrary to popular misconception, system protection can be very useful though of course it is not a panacea for every possible disaster.

    Your issue appears to lie elsewhere. You already had a message about a corrupt driver. The sensible thing is to replace the corrupt driver and if that was the only corruption that is all.

    However if after attempting that it becomes clear there is more corruption, then it is sensible to reinstall.

    If you had a shadow copy it is possible to use that to reinstall ( not the same as system restore ).

    But if you dont have a shadow copy then a new reinstall means reinstalling your programs, personal fiddlings etc which might be very onerous for some people.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 39
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Ok thanks I will look up how to use shadow copy to make an image, no idea right now, my friend does that with Mac OS?

    Where do I find a legit stextor.sys driver so I can copy/paste it in the folder?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,569
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

    The stexstor.sys driver known as Promise SuperTrak EX Series Driver for Windows belongs to software Promise SuperTrak EX Series by Promise Technology (Promise Technology | Storage Solutions for IT, Cloud, Surveillance and Rich Media).

    You can uninstall it from Windows 10 Recovery Environment hopefully that will resolve the boot problem.

    In this video, i will show you how to uninstall offline windows operating system drivers with Dism command.

    Let us know if you have problem.
      My Computer


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