Macrium Reflect restores Recycle.Bin

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  1. Posts : 841
    Windows 10 Pro 21H2

    Macrium Reflect restores Recycle.Bin

    I installed Office 2010 and then decide to restore a previous image to get rid of it because the registry and hard drive are never cleaned with an uninstall. In the mean time I had searched the registry for all Office14 occurrences and saved a .reg file and then deleted it (did not empty the Recycle.Bin) and there the file was in the Recycle.bin when I restored the old image.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,068
    Windows 10 Pro

    I would expect that. It's a drive image and it puts your machine back to the way that it was at a particular point in time.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 841
    Windows 10 Pro 21H2
    Thread Starter

    pparks1 said:
    I would expect that. It's a drive image and it puts your machine back to the way that it was at a particular point in time.
    So you are telling me that and image is not a replica of the drive?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,036

    Did you check inside the image to see what is in the recycle bin ?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 841
    Windows 10 Pro 21H2
    Thread Starter

    SIW2 said:
    Did you check inside the image to see what is in the recycle bin ?
    Just checked Recycle.Bin in the image and the file is not there.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,036

    I haven't looked at macrium for a while, what are the image restore options?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 24,885
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5487 (x64) [22H2]

    rdwray said:
    Just checked Recycle.Bin in the image and the file is not there.

    The only time I show the recycle bin as full, after a full OS image restore, is when I forgot to empty it before making the backup.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 33,863
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    rdwray said:
    Just checked Recycle.Bin in the image and the file is not there.
    What is displayed in File Explorer as the contents of the Recycle Bin is not the actual names of the files it stores there. Also, there is a separate recycle bin for each user. You can't see the real name of your own bin, File Explorer shows it as 'Recycle Bin'.

    To see the real names and structure of the recycle bins on your C: drive you need to use a file explorer that doesn't hide the true identities as File Explorer does, 7-Zip File Manager for example.

    Macrium Reflect restores Recycle.Bin-recycle-bin-true-names-bins.png

    Each file that's you delete becomes two files in your own recycle bin, other users will delete to their own recycle bin. The actual name stored is a random 7 or 8 character name, only the extension will be the same as the deleted file (and if you hide known extensions you won't see that in File Explorer). One file contains the name and path of the deleted file, so that you can restore it. The other one (starting with $) is the actual file itself.

    Macrium Reflect restores Recycle.Bin-recycle-bin-display-vs-actual-filename.png

    You wouldn't have recognised the deleted file in the image, as it would most likely not have appear under its 'undeleted' name.

    Edit: I've just mounted a Macrium image to test that....
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 841
    Windows 10 Pro 21H2
    Thread Starter

    SIW2 said:
    I haven't looked at macrium for a while, what are the image restore options?
    Basically, you can select which partitions you want to image and you can select which ones you want to restore; normally I only restore the OS.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 33,863
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    rdwray said:
    The image Recycle.Bin was totally empty...

    Testing with a mounted Macrium image (with the box ticked for 'enable access to restricted folders'), in File Explorer it shows multiple recycle bins on the mounted drive , but every one of them will open to your C: drive's recycle bin, not to the mounted drive (F: in this example). You cannot use File Explorer to look in the ones on the image. You need to use another file manager, or use DIR /A:H in a command prompt (or DIR /A:H /S if you want to see the contents of all the sub-folders).

    Macrium Reflect restores Recycle.Bin-image.png
    Macrium Reflect restores Recycle.Bin-image.png
      My Computers


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