I try again and all seem right on configuration but look my images
I try again and all seem right on configuration but look my images
Copy & Paste this to avoid typo's.
wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='C:\'
See if there is anything here that helps.
How to Create Shadow Copies of Files with Task Scheduler in Windows 10. • Repair Windows™
A translation of the name of your Task states "create a restore point every week".
I don' know if you are creating Shadow Copies for use with your own Backup strategy (ie. using your own commands or external backup software etc. to create backups of locked files or system images or to restore previous versions of files and so on), or you just want System Restore Points on a Schedule .
If it is Scheduled Sytem Restore Points, then note that the following tutorial might be better suited to your needs:
Automatically Create System Restore Point on Schedule in Windows 10
As far as the result code 0xAC67 in your 'wmic' Schedule is concerned, I can't find any description of that code online, so I personally couldn't even comment on that as I can't seem to be able to reproduce such an error using different permutations of task settings etc.