Registry Backups
Based on a lot of Googling and information from this forum I created the below batch file to backup my Windows 10 registry from an elevated cmd prompt. Everything is working perfectly but I have a question on what I'm backing up. Are there other registry hives/locations that I should include?
set curr_date=%DATE:~10,4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%
echo %curr_date%"
mkdir "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%"
REG SAVE HKLM\Software "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\SOFTWARE"
REG SAVE HKLM\Security "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\SECURITY"
REG SAVE HKLM\System "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\SYSTEM"
REG SAVE HKU\.Default "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\DEFAULT"
REG SAVE HKLM\SAM "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\SAM"
REG SAVE HKCU "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\NTUSER.DAT"
REG SAVE HKCU\Software\Classes "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\USRCLASS.DAT"
REG SAVE HKLM\BCD00000000 "D:\Registry Backups\Backup %curr_date%\BCD"