I could use your suggestions of a good backup software

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  1. Posts : 11
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    Yes, I agree. I have my C drive which is a solid state drive dedicated to windows.
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  2. Posts : 629
    Windows 10 Pro

    I think you'll find that most people on backup and security forums use Macrium Reflect, as do I. Apart from it being rock solid and has NEVER failed me, it has quite a simple interface, and doesn't take long for someone new to understand how it works.

    You can keep it simple and just do regular, full manual backups, or you can schedule backups, which is a much better option. A second internal hard drive in your computer makes the job easier, even for a laptop. (Remove the rarely used optical drive and add another hard drive. But that story is for another day. )

    I do a monthly Full backup with a weekly Differential backup. I retain 2 Full backups, and Reflect purges (deletes) any older images automatically after the second Full backup is made. But, it's up to you how many you keep. So, once you have it setup, Reflect is fully automatic.

    One extra step I have included an a couple of desktop computers is to use Bvckup 2 to automatically replicate data from my second hard drive to a third drive. It's a superb piece of software. And it replicates in seconds, with minimal resources.

    I also use Image For Windows. But, it is a bit more complex, so I'll leave that story for another day also.
    Last edited by Stigg; 12 Oct 2018 at 02:43.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11
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    Thank You!

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  4. Posts : 133
    Windows 10 Pro (22H2)

    Macrium Reflect is justifiably popular with members here but in my opinion it is not as intuitive in use as it might be. Also, the free version does not do incremental backups, you need the paid for version for that feature. Over the last few months, in addition to my normal Macrium backups, I have been running parallel backups with Aomei Backupper and have found it remarkably simple to use and has all the features of Macrium but plus incrementals. Trial restores have all been successful. Remarkably, comments attached to incremental backups are all separately accessible, something the much acclaimed and paid for Acronis has never managed.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 45,466
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Aomei B has a much simpler GUI, true, but I came across a couple of bugs which they admitted - that was a long time back. Most people would never encounter those. Maybe they've been fixed.

    It's error messages in simple situations- e.g. the backup drive is on the wrong drive letter/not present- were atrocious and unhelpful. Again, maybe these have improved.
      My Computers


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