McAfee LiveSafe + Windows Defender

  1. Posts : 148
    Windows 10

    McAfee LiveSafe + Windows Defender

    I have McAfee LiveSafe. Should I run McAfee LiveSafe plus Windows Defender? Would it be more protective if I used Windows Defender plus some product other than McAfee LiveSafe? Lastly, is it best to use Windows Defender by itself?

    I asked a very similar question some time ago and honestly did not clearly understand the advice.

    Thank you.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 672
    Windows 10 Home

    lpatrick said:
    Would it be more protective if I used Windows Defender plus some product other than McAfee LiveSafe? Lastly, is it best to use Windows Defender by itself?

    I asked a very similar question some time ago and honestly did not clearly understand the advice.

    Thank you.
    Sounds to me like you are looking for something to use along your antivirus. I suggest you look at Sandboxie, a sandboxing program. Myself, I found Sandboxie about 10 years ago when I was looking for the best proactive protection to combine with my antivirus. I feel lucky I found and choose Sandboxie over the many product I found.. I have been using it ever since and malware don't come around anymore. In fact, I used to get infected once or twice a year every year, it was a cycle that came to an end the day I started using Sandboxie. Infections went away completely, this is so even though I basically still do same browsing and run same programs than when I used to get infected.

    If you decide to check it out and try it, I suggest you run it along Windows defender. The reason being that it gets along very well with WD. No conflict whatsoever. Last time SBIE conflicted with WD was during early WD version 1 (MSE at the time). Thats a long long time ago. McAfee does conflict with SBIE somewhat, there are workarounds but I suggest to try it with WD.

    That day when I got tired of getting infected and started looking for something that worked better than programs that required virus signatures, continuous updates, I found the video below, it was sort of like a birdog pointing at Sandboxie. The guy who made the video was not familiar with SBIE when he made it, so he looks clunky but what he says about Sandboxie is how it is.
    Sandboxie Review Part 1 - YouTube

    Learning Sandboxie is easy, specially if you allow yourself the time to do it. There is a free and paid version. You start with the free version sandboxing your default browser and go from there, later, you ll sandbox, all type of programs and files. Myself, basically, I sandbox all files and programs that run in my computers. Files I download, they run sandboxed during their lifetime in the PC. There are exceptions but that's pretty much how it is.

    Sandboxie - Sandbox software for application isolation and secure Web browsing

    Sandboxie Support - Index page

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 672
    Windows 10 Home

    lpatric, I forgot to say something yesterday which is important. McAfee LiveSafe and Windows Defender are antiviruses/antimalware, You should never run two real time antiviruses at the same time. Doing so creates problems and makes your computer less secure. You have to pick one.

    The setup I recommended you try works perfectly well as the antivirus handles known threats (the ones the AV has a signature for) and Sandboxie takes care of the rest, zero day threats (unknown to the AV, no signatures).

      My Computer


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