can i mix this security together software?

  1. Posts : 3
    window 10

    can i mix this security together software?

    i got sophos home beta the one with hitman integrate inside with the scanner and i got heimdal agent premium and i got offline malwarebytes will i have any problems running the first two in premium services the same time?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,327
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Welcome to the Forums patricia2626!

    From what little I remember about Heimdall (haven't used it in a year or so) you SHOULD be ok. Keep in mind that I used the free version and paired it with ........ geez..... either Avast, Bitdefender or Panda A/V's. Sorry I can't be more specific as when I tried Heimdall I was looking for totally new protection package. But it played well with whichever one I had at the time. Back up everything important (which you should be doing anyway), make a restore point and try it.

    The offline Malwarebytes is inconsequential to the rest.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 30
    Win 10 Pro Build 1511

    I have a layer security (always) and the most important thing that I do when I layer security apps is that I "exclude" each security folder/process on all of the security applications I have. On your part, do exclude Malwarebytes in Sophos Home and Heimdal and vice versa. That way those 3 will not interrupt or block each other out.

    Checkout the links below for exclusion tips,

    How to Run Malwarebytes Alongside Another Antivirus

    What files can I add in my antivirus exclusion list? Heimdal Security

    Set Exclusions for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) in Avast! Antivirus
      My Computer


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