Firewall that'll block internet access for other programs & processes?

  1. Posts : 127

    Firewall that'll block internet access for other programs & processes?

    Is there a good Firewall application that can effectively sandbox any program I choose, or any Window process and stop them accessing the internet?
    Also I want it to tell me:
    * What program is trying to access the internet
    * How often
    * What IP address they are sending to

    Don't mind paying a few $ for a good one.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,586
    Windows 10 Professional x64

    Hi Bansaw, you need a two way Firewall that you can configure, I have used Zone Alarm Firewall (Free ware) and it works very well :)

    Read more > ZoneAlarm Free Firewall - Personal Computer Firewall Software
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    Firewall Software by GlassWire - visually amazing, you have to block apps manually in free version.

    Comodo Firewall 10 Setup - YouTube - a firewall with sandbox, can be annoying, but blocks everything.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 30
    Win 10 Pro Build 1511

    You can try TinyWall, Evorim Firewall, Simplewall Firewall (still in beta but good), xVirus Firewall as 3rd party firewall additional suggestions.

    How about Binisoft Windows Firewall Control..? Though it's not free.
      My Computer


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