Microsoft Email - Access to Account from China

  1. Posts : 305
    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations

    Microsoft Email - Access to Account from China

    I got an email from Microsoft this morning for unusual activity -- basically someone accessed my account from China. I logged into (directly) and noticed the activity in my log. So the email was legit. I changed my password.

    Is there anything else that I should do to insure nobody has access to anything? I have OneDrive set up, but have never used it. Some of my OneNotes are online, but they aren't security sensitive. I mainly have the account for my Office 365 subscription.

    They didn't add any info to security contacts (email/telephone) to authorize changing passwords, and my password wasn't changed. My credit card info is stored, but only the last 4 digits are visible. My address is online. The email I use (iCloud) uses a different password with two-factor authentication enabled.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,133
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Hi ericnixmd.

    Last sentence hit it on the nail. Turn on Two factor in mail. It will not nag you on your daily drive computer.

    If you are accessing email through an app on a phone you will need an app password, yes its long and painful, but entered once and done.

    Once turned on, at least in Outlook, you can use text messages for codes or install Google Authenticator app on phone / tablet to get codes. Both have there place.

      My Computer


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