Windows Firewall And Advanced Sharing Settings

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Windows Firewall And Advanced Sharing Settings

    Hello. I'm running the latest Windows 10. At the moment I'm running windows firewall. One of the reasons I'm using windows firewall is because in the advanced sharing settings, network discovery and file and printer sharing is turned off in private, guest and public, and all networks. sections. If I use a third party firewall software and turn off windows firewall, those settings are all on except in the all networks section.

    Is my PC vulnerable with network discovery and file and printer sharing on in the private and guest and public section and off in the all networks section?

    P.S. The only reason I'm a little nervous about using windows firewall is because it doesn't pass leak tests.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Wow. Thanks for nothing. I will never come back to this forum. What a waste of time. Thankfully I found what I was looking for in another forum.
      My Computer


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