Is it easy to get hacked

  1. Posts : 272

    Is it easy to get hacked

    I always have worry about my PC being hacked by someone I know, because he knows me pretty well , he is my big enemy and he is a good computer software programmer.

    I always want to install some kind of internet security or antivirus so as to reduce the risk of my PC being hacked by him, I don't know if he is a good hacker though.

    A friend of mine said everything is theoretically possible but it's practically difficult for him or anyone to hack into my windows computer and make a copy of important files, as long as I use my computer with sense, don't execute files from unknown sources, and even if I do, windows security itself always serve as an extra obstacle to detect and fight risks.

    I am not a tech geek, nor an enthusiasts. Is my friend right ? If he's not, what shoftware or security software that I should download, install or purchase so as to reduce the risk of any of my computer files being hacked and stolen?

    Thank you for advice...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,254
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    You just have to be careful on what you click on. For instance, don't click on unsolicited emails and be mindful of which sites you visit.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 15,865

    Use file encryption with strong password.

    Very unlikely you could be hacked then.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    cereberus said:
    Use file encryption with strong password.

    Very unlikely you could be hacked then.
    Not true at all. When your computer is unlocked (when you're using it), the files are visible to any application running. If you have any kind of malware, it can just wait until you log on to get your stuff, or do whatever it wants.

    The only thing encryption prevents is if someone has physical access to your computer, but doesn't have your password.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,865

    Mystere said:
    Not true at all. When your computer is unlocked (when you're using it), the files are visible to any application running. If you have any kind of malware, it can just wait until you log on to get your stuff, or do whatever it wants.

    The only thing encryption prevents is if someone has physical access to your computer, but doesn't have your password.
    Sure but how is the "enemy" going to hack pc unless real genius?

    Only way I see such a person getting access is by physical access.

    Short of OP allowing remote access or installing TeamViewer or similar with weak password, I do not see how OP could be hacked.

    More likely "enemy" would bribe somebody with physical access it seems to me.

    In the end, basic paranoia.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    cereberus said:
    Sure but how is the "enemy" going to hack pc unless real genius?
    The usual way is that you run a Trojan. You click a link and view a special zip, pdf or other file that downloads a Trojan and runs in the background. It happens all the time. To lots of people, with encryption or not.

    This is the same way ransomware gets in.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    Tsw88 said:
    what shoftware or security software that I should download, install or purchase so as to reduce the risk of any of my computer files being hacked and stolen?
    Try a secure linux distro, that will limit your attack surface significantly.

    10 best Linux distros for privacy fiends and security buffs in 2017

    You can dual boot it Windows and use it to work with your files.

    There are so many ways of getting hacked, a computer can be hacked even when it does not have an internet connection, you can hire someone to do it or simply buy tools. I always say, that the best way to avoid getting hacked is not to angry any hacker. Only a hacker might stop a hacker, might because it does not always work either, since NSA or FBI get hacked all the time and they are way more protected than anyone else out there.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 233
    Windows 10 pro on both

    If you have a wireless Router make sure its secure, on my street everyone has the same ICP same Wireless Routers and no one seem to have changed the def password, so if i wanted i could sniff around, but i am not that nosy and also if your using a Nas make sure you do not have it setup to be accessed from Wan, and run WD frequent, and you should be fine.
    Besides if you have a "smart router" most new are they log everything well if your enemy cracks/hacks into your PC home network what ever its a criminal offense so i really do not see why he would even think unless ofc he is a complete idiot who just want's to annoy you.

    But if he has the brain capacity to hack your PC meaning Google it that would be his first mistake google logs searches and if discover that he did crack/hack into your personal space that would be the 2 mistake okay in short i see hes an idiot
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 340
    Windows 10 Home 64 bit (with Creators OS)

    swarfega said:
    You just have to be careful on what you click on. For instance, don't click on unsolicited emails and be mindful of which sites you visit.
    I have believed, rightly or wrongly, that it is safe to open an email so you can read its message. Doing just that will not cause trouble (I am reliably told). However, opening/running an attachment could easily cause trouble. Therefore if suspicious I am careful to avoid doing that or clicking anything. If the message looks dodgy or is from an unknown sender, delete it immediately. You might miss a message now and again from a reliable source whose name you don't know, but that's unavoidable.

    If you don't want to even open a suspect email message, a trick I sometimes use is to get my Canon printer to print the message but set "Preview before printing" gives you a small but readable picture of each page. If you don't like it, stop the print run there and then.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 7,254
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    That was what I was referring to, running any payload the email might have. I have known several people to do that.
      My Computers


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