I suggest a new topic for this additional issue
I'm glad my suggestion of moving the Desktop folder out of Favourites and to its correct location worked for you, Dave. And RolandJS, you also picked it right, and it 's fortuitously turned out the folder could be moved without booting from another device. (Worth double-checking after a boot though Dave, it should now be at c:\Users\Dave\Desktop .
Dave, for the sort of Administrator permission required warning prompts you're now noticing, personally I just press Continue to proceed every time. If you're getting this for deleting/moving non-system files in your personal folders (e.g. Desktop and Documents, as distinct from system folders such as c:\Windows, C:\Windows\System32 and the Program Files drawer(s), then I'm guessing some of your personal folders' Permissions are screwed up. If so you'd need to fix them after a full partition backup. Otherwise do yourself a favour and leave the Permissions well alone!).
If you're getting these warnings frequently for only system drawers/files, then I suggest you review the necessity of manually altering so many of them! Or perhaps you're still storing or installing some files in non-standard places?
If none of the above helps, I suggest you post a new topic here headed something like 'How to avoid Administrator permission nags when moving or deleting files to the recycle bin.' Simple and concise single topic posts like that (a single issue per topic) tend to best attract helpers, and I'm afraid I have to attend to other matters for a couple of weeks.
Glad to be of help and I hope over time you get Windows 10 going as fully to your liking as is possible, considering the Windows trends of snowballing number of file protection feature, increasingly difficult configurability, and the loss of some beloved older features.
At least Win10 will likely keep us going (and on our toes!) for a decade or so to come.