Pokémon Go ransomware creates Windows backdoor account

  1. Posts : 56,945
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    Pokémon Go ransomware creates Windows backdoor account

    While you're chasing them, they're chasing you!

    Here comes Pokémon Go-themed ransomware
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 222
    Windows 10

    Let's wait for an decryptor. Thanks for sharing, nice read.

    A nice read is also on Bleeping Computer.

    The PokemonGo Ransomware Targets Arabic Victims

    This ransomware targets Arabic victims based on the ransom notes and screensaver created by the program. When the ransomware has finished encrypting the files on a computer it will create a ransom note on the Windows Desktop called هام جدا.txt. This translates to Very important.txt.
    The content of this ransom note is:
    (: لقد تم تشفير ملفاتكم، لفك الشفرة فلكسي موبيليس للعنوان التالي me.blackhat20152015@mt2015.com وشكرا على كرمكم مسبقا
    The English translation is:

    ( : Your files have been encrypted , decoding Falaksa Mobilis following address me.blackhat20152015@mt2015.com and thank you in advance for your generosity
    Source: Bleeping Computer
    Last edited by Dropbox; 15 Aug 2016 at 13:39. Reason: Updates
      My Computer


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