Warning - Do NOT use norton with windows 10

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  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 10

    Warning - Do NOT use norton with windows 10

    I have tried to use Norton a few days before. I installed it normally and I started to run a virus scan. The result said that there is some virus in my computer's C:/ drive and asked if I want to remove it. I allowed it to remove those virus infected files. Next day, I try to turn on my computer, it won't login, it keeps sucked in the login screen with the loading icon.
    This is a warning for every users. Please do NOT use Norton with windows 10.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Welcome to the forum.

    It is always best to use an AV product that the supplier has tested and advertised as compatible with your OS. Such a product must do things that are very system unfriendly by all normal standards. This makes compatibility a more difficult thing than for normal applications.

    This normally isn't possible with Windows 10. You have to take the chance that there will be serious issues and be prepared to deal with them. That is one of the reasons why Microsoft recommends the Windows 10 preview for advanced users only.

    Symantec does not advertise any of it's products as being compatible with Windows 10. It is very difficult to assure compatibility with an OS that isn't even finished. I expect that when Windows 10 reaches the consumer preview stage Symantec will take a serious look at compatibility issues. There is far more to an operating system than just the user interface.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    By in large I just stick with MS defender for now. It's been tested with Win10TP and I can live with that for now. As for any other AV, we'll have to wait till the makers get to test their products with Win10 before we can use them.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Yep if it's not listed in the apps store I wouldn't bother with it and then most of them I wouldn't bother with
    Defender and mbam premium and also superantispyware pro are good for me pretty much what I use for win-7 too,
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    When 3rd party anti virus programs will work with W-10 is up to the creator of the anti virus. I do believe they are all working on making their program work with W-10. I wouldn't try to use such a complicated program on a test operating system until it has been approved.
    I use the built in Defender. I took a chance and installed Malwarebytes Pro and it works just fine.

    It might be helpful to look here.

    Windows 10 Preview Tested Apps
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Had many problems with Avast and Bitdefender but AVG seems to be very compatible, not a sign of any problem. One caution though, turn protection off if doing System Restore, that goes for Win8/8.1 too.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1,621
    Windows 10 Home

    Windows 10 also has the built-in firewall, correct? Best to not use 3rd party firewalls either, correct?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,254
    Windows 10 Pro

    Windows 10 has a built in firewall which for most purposes is quite adequate. Do dot use a firewall that is not advertised as being compatible with Windows 10.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there.

    Norton was a joke long before W10 was even THOUGHT OF. !! You don't need ANY A/V on W10 other than the built in Windows defender.

    The best defence in any case is YOU the USER.

    Adding other modules to the windows kernel on an OS that will probably be changed several times before final release isn't a good idea either.

    If you don't trust Ms Windows defender on W10 then simply run W10 as a VM and don't connect it to the internet.

    At consumer level there's NOTHING whether paid or free in the AV world that is better than Windows defender. That doesn't mean to say either that Windows defender is the best either - but things change so fast that any reports comparing various systems are LONG OUT OF DATE by the time they are published. At least Windows defender gets updated daily or even more frequently if Ms has to rush out a special fix.

    A New virus can appear at ANY time so forget comparison web sites for AV software.

    In any case these days the emphasis is on online scamming - which can't be protected against by software.

    One thing puzzles me though -- why on earth do you need MBAM as well as Windows defender (or Malware bytes). Malware doesn't always (or rarely these days) means things like viruses.

    Malware can be a perfectly innocent Windows program that throws up zillions of popups - if the program appears as a legitimate Windows application how does software like MBAM know it's malware rather than a perfectly ordinary Windows program.

    You can better block programs from calling up IE for example by setting rules in the perfectly decent Windows Firewall. IMO that's the way to do it. Only allow legit programs to access the Internet - for example I have some stock tracking programs etc.

    A program that calls IE to access the Internet should be blocked unless you know what it's doing - Malwarebytes isn't any good for those types of programs but relies on a database. Preventing Internet access by any but special known applications is easy enough and should be done in your Firewall - and it will always work as it's a Windows Feature (Windows Firewall).

    Last edited by jimbo45; 15 Jan 2015 at 07:10.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 983
    Windows 7/64 Professional

    In the process of changing code during development of W-10 I believe that only Microsoft could keep up with all the changes to make a working anti virus. A 3rd party anti virus company would go bonkers trying to keep up at this stage of the game.
      My Computers


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