Can't the UAC remember which I apps I run all the time

  1. Posts : 29
    Win 10 Pro 64bit

    Can't the UAC remember which I apps I run all the time

    I want to click on my shortcut and fire up Ninja Trader without having to click run as Administrator, which I am, and without clicking yes to the UAC pop up window.

    How can I change a shortcut permission to open without jumping through all these hoops?

    Even though it says I'm the Admin, do I need to go to the Elevated Admin to do simple things like saving a Power & Save setting, which I can't do currently?

    thanks, I know these are really basic questions, I wish someone would answer them.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 29
    Win 10 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Can't the UAC remember which I apps I run all the time

    Can't the UAC remember which I apps I run all the time and are trusted?
    I seem to remember an option of saying this app is ok don't ask me again.
    How do I do I set an app that I run every day.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    Run as administrator - Add or Remove Context Menu in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums[1]=Context%20Menu

    You might want to try the above tutorial.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 29
    Win 10 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for your quick reply.
    This appears to be a global change to the UAC effectively disabling it.
    It seems like it's a good idea to be protected from programs that make changes to my PC, so I'm not in favor of getting rid of it altogether.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 471
    Windows 10 Pro

    You can use the task scheduler to suppress UAC prompts for certain programs. Here is a guide.
    Last edited by Brink; 24 Oct 2015 at 09:18. Reason: updated link
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,983
    Windows 10 x86 14383 Insider Pro and Core 10240

    No (with the user-defined exceptions detailed above) - because it might be some rogue program that is pretending to be you, about to do something unpleasant to your system - that's why your User Account Control asks you to OK it in an interactive way.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 5,477

    You can change individual shortcuts to run using the authority of the built in administrator account using the runas command as described in option 2 here Elevated Program Shortcut - Create for Standard User - Windows 7 Help Forums
      My Computer


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