Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) for Windows 10

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  1. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    Tried your suggestions and more toggling as in your post #4, restarted numerous times only to be confronted with the following attachment.
    Clicking on retry does not work yet click on cancel starts EMET. what sort of a crazy system is this!
    Impossible for me to open IE with all the methods tried, so am now following Brink,s advice as given in post #2. uninstall.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) for Windows 10-em.jpg  
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 133
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    EMET 5.5 was released in final version 1/29/2016.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 72,051
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Reldel said:
    EMET 5.5 was released in final version 1/29/2016.
    Thank you. First post updated. :)
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    Brink said:
    Thank you. First post updated. :)
    Hi Brink
    Unfortunately link is not working....see att.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) for Windows 10-emet.jpg  
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 72,051
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    The EMET 5.5 link at Microsoft is currently down for some unknown reason. It was working earlier today, so please check back later to see if it's working again.

    UPDATE: It appears to be working again, but you may have to click on the download button a few times to reload the Microsoft site. My guess is that it's overloaded right now, and will be working better later.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    Brink said:
    The EMET 5.5 link at Microsoft is currently down for some unknown reason. It was working earlier today, so please check back later to see if it's working again.

    UPDATE: It appears to be working again, but you may have to click on the download button a few times to reload the Microsoft site. My guess is that it's overloaded right now, and will be working better later.
    Success this time...thanks once again.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 72,051
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

      My Computers

  8. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    As before this does not permit Internet Explorer to open, but can be configured to allow, by doing the following...see Attachment.
    Set Quick Profile Name to Recommended Security.
    Open Apps and delete IEEXPLORE.EXE.
    Click on (SEHOP) Application Opt In, then click on Trust to configure to suit.
    Note: as I am a novice on this particular program there are perhaps other ways I should be doing this, but this has worked for me.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) for Windows 10-emet1.jpg  
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 5
    Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, Raspian

    dencal said:
    Hi Brink.
    Downloaded Emet, problem encountered, could no longer open Internet Explorer. though Edge was unaffected.
    See attachment.

    Rectified by uninstalling Emet
    prior to reinstall.
    Check for .NET updates
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    Fixthisforus said:
    prior to reinstall.
    Check for .NET updates
    The point you are making is no longer relevant....my quote which you are using was when Emet was in Beta.
    EMET 5.5 was released in final version 1/29/2016.
      My Computers


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