Password protect a folder W10

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  1. Posts : 208
    Windows 10 Home 64bit
    Thread Starter

    That was spot on Got it.
    Thank you very much.on me
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 83
    Window 10

    I did not see a real solution for Windows 10. Is Safeplicity the only answer. I have the "Freebee" Windows 10 that replaced that junk called Windows 8 & 8.1. 10 looked pretty good until all the big brother stuff started taking over photo viewer, pdf's etc. Heck, now I'm considering dumping W10, but not an easy thing to do from what I have found.
    I have some personal stuff that I would like to keep personal. I guess just unplug the external and locking it in a drawer is the best answer.
      My Computer


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