Windows Defender won't list Excluded files, File Locations, etc..etc

  1. Posts : 39
    Windows 10

    Windows Defender won't list Excluded files, File Locations, etc..etc

    Hi all,

    I have selected certain file types / folders and locations in Windows Defender on Windows 10 that were added to the exclusions lists...

    Previously I could go to Windows Defender and see what files, folders or extensions I had excluded but now they have disappeared....

    All I see is the add buttons which work as intended when I want to add a folder etc etc....
    But then they are not listed anywhere so that I can remember what I have excluded or not....

    Can some one please help me so that they are visible again, is there a setting in the registry that needs to be fixed?

    This is what I should see where, below the red arrows I should see the excluded files/folders including their path etc etc [see image below]
    Windows Defender won't list Excluded files, File Locations, etc..etc-windows_defender_exclusions-2.jpg
    but I see nothing..

    Yet if i go to the registry as indicated below...

    File and file location exclusions are stored in the registry key below.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths

    File type exclusions are stored in the registry key below.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Extensions

    Processes exclusions are stored in the registry key below.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Processes

    they are all listed there....?

    I have to say that windows defender is excluding folders/files and etc etc, that I have selected during its scans, but I cant see the excluded items in the Windows Defender as per image of my Exclusions section below...

    Windows Defender won't list Excluded files, File Locations, etc..etc-windows-defender-exclusions.jpg

    Thanking you in advance for your support and assistance on this issue....

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 39
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Fixed... deleting the "Path" key in the registry and then resetting the PC brings them back...

    I would like to thank Brink The Administrator

    for sorting this out for me... genius....:):)

      My Computer


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