Turn on Windows Firewall - unwanted message every boot.

  1. Posts : 3
    windows 10

    Turn on Windows Firewall - unwanted message every boot.


    I do apologise if this has been asked, I have searched and also used google to search, to no avail, at least not worded this way.

    I do not use windows firewall, I opt to use Windows10Firewall Control, which does, IMO, a better job of giving me control. Which is really beside the point.

    I have disabled Windows Firewall in settings, and asked it not to alert me, yet on Every boot I get the dingle tune and the alert box popping up telling me "Turn Windows Firewall On." with an X next to it.

    I made the mistake once of clicking the X to get rid of this, but that's a new trick... it, for some reason, tells windows "Hey This idiot wants to turn the firewall on, we better do it, silently." and I spent the next few hours pulling my hair out as to why my test webserver was now inaccessible.. I mean, I turned it off, I set it to not alert me, I clicked the X, yet it still knows better than I do.

    I have tried searching inside settings for an option to stop this annoying intrusive alert, yet when I click on "Change how windows alerts me" it only takes me to a settings page for notifications of selected apps, like mail..

    I have had to refresh the OS a number of times trying my hardest to fix little things like this.

    Please someone must know how to get rid of this. I am not brand new. I know what risks I take not having this on, but I don't need it. and the fact that it sneakily turns on when you think you are clicking the X button, which in every single other instance of windows means "Go away" and not "Yes, ok I agree" just makes my skin crawl.

    I am becoming pretty over 10 quite fast

    any help would be appreciated... even if it's delete some exe or edit the backside out of the registry... :/
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    Windows10Firewall Control uses Windows Firewall, it is just a different interface for a better management, it is most likely Windows10Firewall Control telling you to turn WF on, because it can not work without it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I did not realise this. But anyway, it didn't do this on Windows 8.1 - And it is working perfectly without it turned on.

    As in, it's OFF all the time, which is why it is annoying me to turn it on, and when it was accidentally turned on, things I had working broke...

    either way, it's a windows 10 annoyance, and given the plethora of problems I have both seen and encountered, such as the app store failing to work, failing to download apps, netlix not loading at all, cortana disappearing taking the start menu and task bar with it... I am entirely unimpressed.

    Even if it was a case of something not working, where is the option to Stop it annoying me. Maybe I want to have it turned off. The Notification settings are not there any more, as they used to e for AV/Firewall and automatic updates.. now it will just annoy you till you go back to windows 8.1

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 260
    Win 10 Pro X64

    As TairikuOkami said it's meant to work with Windows firewall and is not a separate firewall it uses the core functionality of Windows firewall and "enhances" it so basically when you turn WF off you're not really protected and when you turn it on you need to configure it so as to allow the programs and services you need to function and there are many guides about how to do so otherwise if you disable the Win firewall you're better off removing the Windows10Firewall Control and using a stand alone firewall or as part of a security suite like Comodo or many others which will still need tweaking to allow what you need to function. Win 10 at least here is good just needs taming and tweaking and ultimately I find it works well and is mostly faster than 7
      My Computer


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