Defender Threat Catalog

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  1. Posts : 782
    Windows 7

    Sorry, I wrote ToString() as a description -- not as literal script text. It would be ToString('#,##0')
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,044
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
    Thread Starter

    garlin said:
    It would be ToString('#,##0')
    That is exactly what I used yesterday as per the output. The code I posted was the basic code excluding the .ToString('#,##0') and any other different things that I tried.

     --- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [245,896] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---
     Severity ID  Count
     -----------  -----
     0                1
     1               49
     2              390
     4             6055
     5           239401
     Total      245,896

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 782
    Windows 7

    @echo off
    PowerShell ^
         $Tot=((Get-MpThreatCatalog) ^| Measure-Object).Count.ToString('#,##0'); ^
         $List=(Get-MpThreatCatalog  ^| Select SeverityID ^| Group-Object SeverityID, CategoryID ^| Select-Object @{l='SeverityID';e={$_.Group[0].SeverityID}},Count ^| Sort-Object SeverityID ^| Format-Table -AutoSize ^
         @{L='Severity ID';E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.SeverityID)) {'-'} else {$_.SeverityID}};A='Left'}, @{L='Count';E={$_.Count.ToString('#,##0')};A='Right'} ^| ^
    Out-String -Width 1000).Trim("""`r`n"""); ^
         if ($List.Length) {Write-Host """`n`n--- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [$Tot] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---`n`n `n`n$List"""} else  ^
                           {Write-Host """`n`n--- NO Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries Available ---"""; exit 1} >> %Temp%\A.txt
         for /f "delims=" %%i in (%Temp%\A.txt) do echo. %%i
    PowerShell ^
         $Total=((Get-MpThreatCatalog) ^| Measure-Object).Count.ToString('#,##0'); ^
         Write-Host """ Total """ -NoNewline; Write-Host  """"     "$Total"""
         del %Temp%\A.txt
     --- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [245.917] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---
     Severity ID   Count
     -----------   -----
     0                 1
     1             2.025
     2               385
     4             6.055
     5           237.451
     Total      245.917
    The second total count is redundant since you already determined $Tot on the first line. It's making it run slower.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,275

    Excellent work, Garlin !

    @echo off
    PowerShell ^
         $Tot=((Get-MpThreatCatalog) ^| Measure-Object).Count.ToString('#,##0'); ^
         $List=(Get-MpThreatCatalog  ^| Select SeverityID ^| Group-Object SeverityID, CategoryID ^| Select-Object @{l='SeverityID';e={$_.Group[0].SeverityID}},Count ^| Sort-Object SeverityID ^| Format-Table -AutoSize ^
         @{L='Severity ID';E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.SeverityID)) {'-'} else {$_.SeverityID}};A='Left'}, @{L='Count';E={$_.Count.ToString('#,##0')};A='Right'} ^| ^
    Out-String -Width 1000).Trim("""`r`n"""); ^
         if ($List.Length) {Write-Host """`n`n--- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [$Tot] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---`n`n `n`n$List"""} else  ^
                           {Write-Host """`n`n--- NO Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries Available ---"""; exit 1} >> %Temp%\A.txt
         for /f "delims=" %%i in (%Temp%\A.txt) do echo. %%i
    PowerShell ^
         $Total=((Get-MpThreatCatalog) ^| Measure-Object).Count.ToString('#,##0'); ^
         Write-Host """ Total """ -NoNewline; Write-Host  """"     " $Total"""
         del %Temp%\A.txt
     --- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [245,919] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---
     Severity ID   Count
     -----------   -----
     0                 1
     1             2,025
     2               385
     4             6,056
     5           237,452
     Total       245,919
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 18,044
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
    Thread Starter

    garlin said:
    The second total count is redundant since you already determined $Tot on the first line. It's making it run slower.
    Yes, that is TRUE.

    Great work as usual @garlin. Here is mine amended to accommodate the above:

    @echo off
    PowerShell ^
         $Tot=((Get-MpThreatCatalog) ^| Measure-Object).Count.ToString('#,##0'); ^
         $List=(Get-MpThreatCatalog  ^| Select SeverityID ^| Group-Object SeverityID, CategoryID ^| Select-Object @{L='SeverityID';E={$_.Group[0].SeverityID}}, Count ^| Sort-Object SeverityID ^| Format-Table -AutoSize ^
         @{L='Severity ID';E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.SeverityID)) {'-'} else {$_.SeverityID}};A='Left'}, ^
         @{L='Count'      ;E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Count))      {'-'} else {$_.Count.ToString('#,##0')}};A='Right'} ^| ^
    Out-String -Width 1000).Trim("""`r`n"""); ^
         if ($List.Length) {Write-Host """`n`n--- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [$Tot] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---`n`n `n`n$List"""} else  ^
                           {Write-Host """`n`n--- NO Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries Available ---"""; exit 1}; ^
                            Write-Host """"Total       """" -NoNewline; Write-Host $Tot >> %Temp%\A.txt
         for /f "delims=" %%i in (%Temp%\A.txt) do echo. %%i
         del %Temp%\A.txt
    echo. & echo ^>Press ANY key to EXIT . . . & pause >nul & Exit
     --- Antivirus - Microsoft Defender - Threat(s) Catalogue Entries [245,906] - Sorted by [SeverityID] ---
     Severity ID   Count
     -----------   -----
     0                 1
     1                49
     2               390
     4             6,055
     5           239,411
     Total       245,906

    Of course, the total line could also be written as:

    Write-Host """"Total"""" -NoNewline; Write-Host $Tot.PadLeft(14)
    Last edited by Paul Black; 28 Apr 2023 at 10:27.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 18,044
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
    Thread Starter

    garlin said:
    #Get-MpThreatCatalog | select CategoryID,SeverityID | Group-Object SeverityID,CategoryID | Select-Object @{l='SeverityID';e={$_.Group[0].SeverityID}},@{l='CategoryID';e={$_.Group[0].CategoryID}},Count | Sort-Object SeverityID,CategoryID
    $Catalog = @{}
    Get-MpThreatCatalog -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
        $Severity = $_.SeverityID; $ThreatName = ($_.ThreatName -split ':')[0]
        if (-not $Catalog.ContainsKey($Severity)) {
            $Catalog[$Severity] += @{ $ThreatName = 1 }
        else {
            $Catalog[$Severity][$ThreatName] = $Catalog[$Severity][$ThreatName] + 1
    $Total = 0
    foreach ($Severity in ($Catalog.GetEnumerator() | select Name | sort Name)) {
        $Summary = @()
        $Subtotal = 0
        $Severity = $Severity.Name
        foreach ($ThreatName in ($Catalog[$Severity].GetEnumerator() | select Name | sort Name)) {
            $Count = $Catalog[$Severity][$ThreatName.Name]
            $Summary += [PSCustomObject]@{
                SeverityID = $Severity
                ThreatName = '{0,-22}' -f $ThreatName.Name
                Count = '{0,6:N0}' -f $Count}
            $Subtotal += $Count
            $Total += $Count
        ($Summary | Format-Table @{n='SeverityID';e={$_.SeverityID};align='center'},@{n='Threat Name';e={$_.ThreatName}},@{n='Count';e={$_.Count};align='right'} | Out-String) -replace "`n`r",""
        '{0,40}' -f ('Sub Total: {0:N0}' -f $Subtotal)
    "`n{0,40}" -f ('Total: {0:N0}' -f $Total)
    @garlin, the above works excellent.

    However, I have tried to insert a blank space before each line of output. So the output starts in column 2 instead of colums 1 if that makes sense. I tried using a $Padding variable without success. So to show better on a small snippet output for example:


    Severity ID Threat Name             Count
    ----------- -----------             -----
         1      FriendlyFiles               2
         1      RemoteAccess               43
         1      Spyware                     3
                                Sub Total: 48


     Severity ID Threat Name             Count
     ----------- -----------             -----
               1 FriendlyFiles               2
               1 RemoteAccess               43
               1 Spyware                     3
                                 Sub Total: 48
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 782
    Windows 7

    Format-Table is column-based, unlike my Get-Modules example which is row-based. FT will auto-size, so if you want to play games then insert padded spaces to the passed data to force placement inside a column. Your data will be treated as a string, instead of a number.

    If you just want right-adjusted text, just change FT's column alignment...
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'FriendlyFiles'; Count = 2 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'RemoteAccess';  Count = 43 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'Spyware';       Count = 2 }
    ) | Format-Table
    $Padding = '          '
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = $Padding + 1; 'Threat Name' = 'FriendlyFiles'; Count = 2 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'RemoteAccess';  Count = 43 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'Spyware';       Count = 2 }
    ) | Format-Table
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = $Padding + $Padding + 1; 'Threat Name' = 'FriendlyFiles'; Count = 2 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'RemoteAccess';  Count = 43 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'Spyware';       Count = 2 }
    ) | Format-Table
    Severity ID Threat Name   Count
    ----------- -----------   -----
              1 FriendlyFiles     2
              1 RemoteAccess     43
              1 Spyware           2
    Severity ID Threat Name   Count
    ----------- -----------   -----
              1 FriendlyFiles     2
    1           RemoteAccess     43
    1           Spyware           2
    Severity ID           Threat Name   Count
    -----------           -----------   -----
                        1 FriendlyFiles     2
    1                     RemoteAccess     43
    1                     Spyware           2
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 18,044
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install
    Thread Starter

    A BIG thank you as always @garlin,

    As it seemed like a LOT of work to incorporate the changes I wanted into the whole code [ and I didn't really understand it to be honest ], I converted the PS code to Batch [ as part of my 'Comprehensive' Script ] and then output the data to a %Temp% file and called it back putting a blank space at the front of each row and keeping the existing blank rows [ it took a while for me to figure it out ! ]:

    @echo off
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    PowerShell ^
         $Catalog = @{}; ^
         Get-MpThreatCatalog -ErrorAction Ignore ^| ^
         ForEach-Object {^
             $Severity   =  $_.SeverityID; ^
             $ThreatName = ($_.ThreatName -Split ':')[0]; ^
             if (-NOT $Catalog.ContainsKey($Severity)) { ^
                 $Catalog[$Severity] += @{ $ThreatName = 1 } ^
             } else { ^
                 $Catalog[$Severity][$ThreatName] = $Catalog[$Severity][$ThreatName] + 1 ^
             } ^
         }; ^
         $Total = 0; ^
         ForEach ($Severity in ($Catalog.GetEnumerator() ^| Select Name ^| Sort-Object -Property Name)) { ^
             $Summary  = @(); ^
             $Subtotal = 0; ^
             $Severity = $Severity.Name; ^
             ForEach ($ThreatName in ($Catalog[$Severity].GetEnumerator() ^| Select Name ^| Sort-Object -Property Name)) { ^
                 $Count = $Catalog[$Severity][$ThreatName.Name]; ^
                 $Summary += [PSCustomObject]@{ ^
                     SeverityID = $Severity; ^
                     ThreatName = '{0,-22}'  -f $ThreatName.Name; ^
                     Count      = '{0,6:N0}' -f $Count}; ^
                 $Subtotal += $Count; ^
                 $Total    += $Count ^
             }; ^
             ($Summary ^| Format-Table ^
                 @{L='Severity ID';E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.SeverityID)) {'-'} else {$_.SeverityID}};Align='Center'}, ^
                 @{L='Threat Name';E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.ThreatName)) {'-'} else {$_.ThreatName}}}, ^
                 @{L='Count'      ;E={;if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Count))      {'-'} else {$_.Count}};Align='Right'} ^| ^
                 Out-String) -Replace('`n`r',''); '{0,41}' -f ('Sub Total: {0:N0}' -f $Subtotal) ^
         }; ^
         """`n{0,41}""" -f ('Total: {0:N0}' -f $Total) >> %Temp%\A.txt
    PowerShell ^
         (Get-Content -Raw %Temp%\A.txt).Replace("""`r`n`r`n`r`n""", """`r`n""") ^| Out-File %Temp%\A.txt -Encoding ASCII
         for /f "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /N "^" "%Temp%\A.txt"') do (
         set "line=%%L"
         set "line=!line:*:=!"
         echo( !line!)
         del %Temp%\A.txt
    echo ^>Press ANY key to EXIT . . . & pause >nul & Exit


     Severity ID Threat Name             Count
     ----------- -----------             -----
          0      Unknown                     1
                                  Sub Total: 1
     Severity ID Threat Name             Count
     ----------- -----------             -----
          1      FriendlyFiles               2
          1      RemoteAccess               43
          1      Spyware                     3
                                 Sub Total: 48
     Severity ID Threat Name             Count
     ----------- -----------             -----
          2      EUS                         2
          2      Joke                      277
          2      Program                     5
          2      SettingsModifier           49
          2      Spyware                     7
          2      Tool                       49
          2      TrojanClicker               1
                                Sub Total: 390
     Severity ID Threat Name             Count
     ----------- -----------             -----
          4      Adware                    782
          4      BrowserModifier           566
          4      HackTool                2,998
          4      Misleading                385
          4      MisleadingAd               37
          4      Program                   564
          4      SoftwareBundler           270
          4      Spyware                   171
          4      Trojan                    308
          4      TrojanClicker               5
          4      Worm                        1
                              Sub Total: 6,087
     Severity ID Threat Name             Count
     ----------- -----------             -----
          5      App                         3
          5      Backdoor               20,418
          5      Behavior               13,056
          5      Constructor               539
          5      DDoS                      354
          5      Dialer                    141
          5      DoS                       386
          5      EUS                        19
          5      Exploit                10,066
          5      Flooder                    45
          5      MagicThreat_7ffe3a4b        1
          5      MonitoringTool            717
          5      Nuker                      45
          5      Phish                       2
          5      Program                     5
          5      PUA                     1,723
          5      PUAAdvertising             52
          5      PUABundler                 45
          5      PUADlManager               75
          5      PUAMarketing                2
          5      PUAMiner                   48
          5      PUATorrent                 27
          5      PWS                     9,410
          5      Ransom                  4,987
          5      Rogue                     131
          5      SettingsModifier            1
          5      Spammer                   516
          5      Spoofer                    45
          5      Spyware                    28
          5      SupportScam               160
          5      Tool                        2
          5      Trojan                 73,220
          5      TrojanClicker           1,172
          5      TrojanDownloader       30,499
          5      TrojanDropper           7,515
          5      TrojanNotifier             53
          5      TrojanProxy             1,570
          5      TrojanSpy               8,615
          5      VirTool                10,204
          5      Virus                  27,541
          5      Worm                   17,209
                            Sub Total: 240,647
                                Total: 247,173
    >Press ANY key to EXIT . . .
    Last edited by Paul Black; 07 Jul 2023 at 12:40.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 782
    Windows 7

    Your 2nd example was easier to understand on your intentions. Convert Format-Table from an object to Out-String, then split into separate lines before padding.
    $Output = @(
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'FriendlyFiles'; Count = 2 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'RemoteAccess';  Count = 43 }
        [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Severity ID' = 1; 'Threat Name' = 'Spyware';       Count = 2 }
    ) | Format-Table | Out-String
    $Output -split "`n" | foreach { '  ' + $_ }
    PS C:\Users\GARLIN\Downloads> .\PB.ps1
      Severity ID Threat Name   Count
      ----------- -----------   -----
                1 FriendlyFiles     2
                1 RemoteAccess     43
                1 Spyware           2

    Ideally your goal is to do all output processing in PS, and not have to resort to external temp files or calling CMD commands for that work.
      My Computer


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