How to delete yourself from internet searches and hide your identity

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  1. Posts : 1,955
    Windows 10 Pro

    When I worked for Sun Microsystems, Scott McNealy, the CEO, said something like, "There is no privacy on the internet. Get over it." People were unhappy with what he said, but he was right. (Of course, lots of former employees are probably unhappy about his recent political statements, but that's a different matter.)
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 160
    Windows 10 Pr

    I always liked Gene Hackman in Enemy of The State. He knew how to take some precautions
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  3. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    When I saw Enemy Of The State in the theater I was very impressed and loved the film. I always had that "clandestine" thought process back then.

    Mind you, this movie came out before 9/11 and the Patriot Act, which is pretty damn interesting. As one of the characters (can't remember her name now) said, "well, who's watching the "watchers!"

    I have this clip in my user profile on my website.

    Enemy Of The State Brave New World - YouTube

    "It's a brave new world out there, at least it better be..."

    The movie reminds me of the other movie Gene Hackman was in many years ago called The Conversation.

    The Conversation - Trailer - HQ - YouTube

    The movie was pretty damn good.

    I used to check out books on this stuff. How to make bugging devices, escape and evasion, how to disappear in society, you name it. I still have schematics to make a poor man's "bug finder." A got it out of the magazine Popular Electronics. I honestly think I was my town's Radio Shack number one customer. I'd go in there every freaking day! LOL!

    Good times. Brings back good memories. Movies were great, music was great and society wasn't swirling down the toilet in logarithmic fashion...
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,882
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Correct. You're thinking of that magical word called "metadata." Metadata (I think) was actually used to help zero in on Osama bin Laden and pals via the CIA. Since then digital metadata has been the mainstay for OSINT and for marketers like Meta (Facebook), etc. It's why I refuse to use the McDonald's App or Starbucks App, etc. Maybe with another phone kept off and in the car. LOL! (Okay, freaking battery removed due to the baseline CPU. HAHA)
    True Fasbook is Meta and it is almost the modern face of what MetaData is and should have its picture up on Wikipedia as "what is metadata"=facebook. *lol*
    I have a dumbphone so i only have our government to worry about, And i don't try to hide from them as Sweden is a pretty good country on that subject... so far.. but who knows in 20-50years.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    What I really mean by using a different name is if you absolutely need to use social media. But then I'd use Linux in VMware WITHOUT VMware Tools installed to help mitigate data from jumping the virtual environment. Or use a compatible computer with Qubes or Subgraph. LOL! I read about Joanna Rutkowska's work on Blue Pill circa 2008 and was pretty impressed with the possibilities. So impressed I changed my avatar on a now defunct tech forum to an image of a blue pill. Well, also, The Matrix is an awesome movie... LOL!
    I took the red pill and saw the truth and it was not pretty. *LOL*
    sure you can do that.. but you mention OSINT.. Really interesting subject i started to look in to more around 6months ago. But you also have the human-metadata.. The way you write, formulate things, things you react and don't react to.. If i always react every time they talk about a white dog, but never on black ones.. Then that becomes metadata.
    Kevin Mitnick is one of the best hackers and he got caught even he know how to hide. Now he didn't try to stay under the radar. But our own behavior is what reveals us.
    So to really hide, you need isolated hardware, the knowledge of how hardware and software works, isolated places you connect thru that don't have surveillance cameras, you need to act as a schizophrenic with opinions, way of expression, spelling, no patterns.. you name it.. Then you can hide.

    F22 Simpilot said:
    No, what I mean by a VPN in the router is that it's a separate server in the router firmware its self you can tunnel into from a client VPN software at a coffee shop or what ever. Check out the capabilities of Asus Merlin or DD-WRT to get a better understanding.
    oh, you meant your own VPN server service.
    i never connect the dots to that when people talk about consumers routers.. So consumers routers has become so advanced so you can do that. (i have not used a consumer router since 2001) so i am faaaar from up to date on those *lol*

    F22 Simpilot said:
    When I saw Enemy Of The State in the theater I was very impressed and loved the film. I always had that "clandestine" thought process back then.

    Mind you, this movie came out before 9/11 and the Patriot Act, which is pretty damn interesting. As one of the characters (can't remember her name now) said, "well, who's watching the "watchers!"

    I have this clip in my user profile on my website.

    Enemy Of The State Brave New World - YouTube

    "It's a brave new world out there, at least it better be..."

    The movie reminds me of the other movie Gene Hackman was in many years ago called The Conversation.

    The Conversation - Trailer - HQ - YouTube

    The movie was pretty damn good.

    I used to check out books on this stuff. How to make bugging devices, escape and evasion, how to disappear in society, you name it. I still have schematics to make a poor man's "bug finder." A got it out of the magazine Popular Electronics. I honestly think I was my town's Radio Shack number one customer. I'd go in there every freaking day! LOL!

    Good times. Brings back good memories. Movies were great, music was great and society wasn't swirling down the toilet in logarithmic fashion...
    Enemy of the state is good
    Faraday cage do work as long you don't have cables going thru it that can act as antennas, and the holes in the net need to be less then a needles eye as GHz frequency's is small.. look at the size of the whole on the door to a microwave oven. That is to contain 2.4GHz now we have 5 and higher.
    Then it was glass on the building.. laser microphone can listen in and a telescope lens can see, etc.
    But still a great movie.
    Also another series that has to be seen is, Person of Interest. That one is good in its own, but it also shows what surveillance can do and how hard it is to hide in a modern high-tech society.

    I have not seen The Conversation.. Thanks for the tip.

    I love tech movies and series.. some of them is pure fantasy and sooo fake, but still fun to see.. Then there is those who is based on real things. as Hackers2 or "Takedown" that is based on Kevin Mitnick's true story.
    Last edited by Marie SWE; 10 Apr 2023 at 15:26.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    Yeah, Kevin Mitnick's story is pretty interesting. I like how he used cell phones to his advantage back then. Pretty cool stuff. I think he now works for the FBI or something. Edit - Just looked it up, he's got a security consultant firm. Reminds me of Frank Abagnale...

    The cell phone system was called AMPS and was, well, full of Info... LOL So were pagers and cordless phones.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,882
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Yeah, Kevin Mitnick's story is pretty interesting. I like how he used cell phones to his advantage back then. Pretty cool stuff. I think he now works for the FBI or something. Edit - Just looked it up, he's got a security consultant firm. Reminds me of Frank Abagnale...

    The cell phone system was called AMPS and was, well, full of Info... LOL So were pagers and cordless phones.
    Yeah.. understanding the hardware does help a lot when trying to find weaknesses and find ways to exploit it to your advantage. Hacking is an art-form. I had the opportunity to work with a Red-team on and off during 8-9 months when i worked for a company. I also got the opportunity to join them on a few assignments. I got compliment for my social hacking skills.. So that was fun.. I also tried using their tools as nmap, aircrack etc. etc. Its a long list. So that's why i have Kali listed among my OS's as i trying to get in to it.
    So i think Kevin Mitnick has been an inspiration to a lot of us Nerds. *lol*
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,829
    Windows 10

    Slightly off topic but this is apart of it imo because you have to look at the origin of these things.

    Forum not showing the picture for what ever reason but you can see it here.
    apple 1 advertisment wiki 666 at DuckDuckGo

    Just one example the Apple yeah the one from start that same apple right? yeah that one bite into for 666.
    There is plenty of math out there and dots to connect if you can see them and it really does make you wonder.

    Just look up the first time the word Computer was coined which was coined when we left one calendar into the calendar format we use now, which was also well before the first Computer all those early computers don't really count as they were binary and more like mechanical engines i am talking about coined before the first digital microprocessor driven computers.

    I think the term was coined before all those early engines though but i cannot recall without looking it up.

    Still really does make you wonder right.

    Also the world wide web and that it is tied to a place where they are basically trying to open portals to other dimensions and they also have a Shiva statue in their courtyard which is a multidimensional being.

    What about all the scifi movies i mean
    2000 space odyssey
    Thunderbirds. (Elon musk how the rocket can fly back down to earth iirc)

    just a few examples some of these are good examples as to plots that are telling a narrative before we even had that tech IRL and then later on in the future we have that tech.

    Maybe we are already inside the matrix who knows or we crossed through the star gate when we changed the calendars when computer became a word.

    I feel like we have caught up it used to be out by like 20-30 years but now they are showing us stuff in movies that is happening in our timeline.

    idk man we live in a strange world but i feel like they are telling us the narrative ahead of the timeline so we saw terminator come out 30 years later we are now seeing robots.

    It does not really surprise me that computers are a weapon and they know everything about us if we let them because soon we will be living inside them through microchip implants and Elon musk the godfather of this space Nuralink.

    Many people don't even realize that we cannot think of anything that is not an original concept that is within our reality already like tell me something original that is not based of of something else that already is a concept that is right no on can do that. Another way to think of this is that if you came into the world and nobody taught you the concept of colors then you would not know that the sky is blue.

    In turn this has some power to it it means that most things in our reality have to have some sort of valid origin point, which means those first people to do something must be gods or angels or demons or some shit because we cannot just thinks of things that don't exist so how did t hey think of some of these things the first time around? yeah exactly innovation can only go so far back and there is either information missing or they blocked it on purpose.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How to delete yourself from internet searches and hide your identity-apple_1_advertisement_oct_1976.jpg  
    Last edited by Malneb; 12 Apr 2023 at 12:02.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 24,758
    Win 10 Home ♦♦♦19045.5371 (x64) [22H2]

    Q: How to delete yourself from internet searches and hide your identity?

    A: ....
    How to delete yourself from internet searches and hide your identity-vacuum2.png
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,882
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    Reality, Science, Fantasy and Science fiction.. it all goes together in a circle.

    In the 1800 Jules Verne write a Science fiction of going to the moon. Not even air plains exists then..
    Then later some science engineer reads the book and gets a idea of what is needed to actually accomplice that task.. and the works begin and finally the sci-fi becomes reality

    Then you have science theorists that calculate on how in theory create things.. Then some science interested person reads about it and makes a book or a movie about it. AI is one of those things(if i remember right) So then movies starts...... But the science it started with continues on the drawing board and then some science engineer figure out how to make it happen and AI is created and for those that didn't read the first theory's get the illusion of someone in the movie manage to foresee the future.

    So, sorry.. Matrix isn't real.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,829
    Windows 10

    yeah because origin point that person could not of thought of that by himself so that book sparked the idea for him to make a rocket that can go to the moon sure. That is only a surface example though it goes way deeper.

    How did the other guy make the book? and what was his precursor? and the precursor before him? and so on because most things stop at an origin point where we either don't know or it was just randomly created into existence that has no other defining logic for that thing to come into reality except it just appeared.

    What about Nikola Tesla? He created basically Wireless internet without even knowing what the internet is he said things like his antenna can go around the world and carry all sorts of information wirelessly and he is a good example of an origin point that hand no defining concept really and definitely no computers, there is plenty of other examples. I mean Tesla coil? Nothing else to base that off except trying it yourself but the thing is where did he get his concept from?

    They still tell us that they don't know how the megaliths the world over were built there is more to it than we know.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How does star trek know about "mobile phones"? in the 60s? which i am sure star trek goes back well before then and was a book or at least a comic before it was on TV. Then years later we get these little hand hold devices we can talk into called mobile phones.

    - - - Updated - - -

    it isn't so how can you comprehend the concept if it isn't real? becasue you cannot comprehend things that don't exist we don't have that sort of ability.

    Tell me something 100% original that does not exist from something else? that's right you can't. So those first pioneers in many cases hold extra knowledge.

    Frankenstein was real and that was probably one of the precursor to the traditional zombies so Count Dracula was also real maybe even Jesus was real because these all came from somewhere somebody didn't just imagine them into existence because its not possible to do that they are based of some other concept or they were an origin point some of them.
      My Computer


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