Sandboxie: Does it Work? ADVICE NEEDED!

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  1. Posts : 1,208
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    Malneb said:
    @hdmi you are not the only star in the sky.
    It's daytime over here. There are no stars in the sky. lol
    The way you talk its easy to see that you think you are on some more knowledgeable level than others. You can be articulate and knowledgeable at the same time without talking above other people.
    I'm not talking above other people. But I am well aware that some people might think that I am.
    Basically if you look at your first post in here all the underlying padding is showing that you are trying to place yourself above others in context and then trying to sound knowledgeable at the same time. There is a thin line between being constructive vs being a bit domineering.
    The main reason why it gets dismissed as "not constructive" is simply because no one here is even remotely interested in that particular subject like I said. So prove me wrong!
    No not trying to tell you anything but i have noticed several posts from you so i though i would say something because i am blunt like that.

    For example you are not the only person sandboxing their browser ive been doing it for 20 years.
    I wasn't talking about merely sandboxing the browser. Rather, I was talking about adding a few basic steps to make it a bit more practical the easy way, and to expand on possibilities while still avoiding to make it too overly complex with all the advanced features of SandMan.exe (i.e., by choosing to use SbieCtrl.exe, which is basically the same as Sandboxie Classic─but you probably already knew this).
    I think also the last person you started talking above basically said to you that they know what to do.
    Yeah, but others who might be reading this thread might not know what to do... if I may be so bold to say so, Sir!
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    hdmi said:
    There are no surprises as long as you don't open the downloaded files, but if you are worried about it no matter still, then you could always decide to pick a downloads folder location that's in a separate sandbox─the sandbox location of which isn't on the ramdisk. Think outside the box or think inside a different box if you must, but whatever you do, NEVER think different! lol

    That's flawed logic when it comes to self-execution inside the browser or what ever...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    A glowing ghost said:
    The main reason why it gets dismissed as "not constructive" is simply because no one here is even remotely interested in that particular subject like I said. So prove me wrong!
    This is your opinion. It seems right off the bat you don't believe in individualism, free thinking and for others to make up their own damn mind and do what they want and make their own mistakes shall it happen. That's the basis behind life, actually. Everyone is unique and different, and for a damn good reason. Otherwise everything would be incredibly boring and dull. In the context of this very nerdy program called Sandboxie, many may not know or even care to use it let alone how to use it or want to even learn. It's like someone telling you how to do something that may be beneficial to you, I mean REALLY beneficial to you, but it's just not your cup of tea so you could really care less. Like diet and exercise for example. You know damn well it can greatly benefit you and there's loads of science to back it all up, but you're free to eat cupcakes and drink wine everyday because you are you and that's that.

    In a nutshell, it'd be far more productive of you to not be a smart ass but be smart. Be humble, be modest, and most of all, keep your ears open and your mouth shut when the occasion calls for it. Know one, and I mean no one likes a smart ass. And just so you know, if you think my words are abrasive in nature, they aren't. Take it as a form of hard constitutive truth. Like constructive criticism. The wise man on the mountain doesn't push the student down the hill if they have something else to say....

    Did I prove you wrong? No? Of course not. (The use of the exclamation point says everything).
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,208
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    F22 Simpilot said:
    That's flawed logic when it comes to self-execution inside the browser or what ever...
    How is it flawed?
    F22 Simpilot said:
    This is your opinion. It seems right off the bat you don't believe in individualism, free thinking and for others to make up their own damn mind and do what they want and make their own mistakes shall it happen. That's the basis behind life, actually. Everyone is unique and different, and for a damn good reason. Otherwise everything would be incredibly boring and dull. In the context of this very nerdy program called Sandboxie, many may not know or even care to use it let alone how to use it or want to even learn. It's like someone telling you how to do something that may be beneficial to you, I mean REALLY beneficial to you, but it's just not your cup of tea so you could really care less. Like diet and exercise for example. You know damn well it can greatly benefit you and there's loads of science to back it all up, but you're free to eat cupcakes and drink wine everyday because you are you and that's that.
    No, my doc doesn't allow me to eat cupcakes and drink wine every day. Free thinking or no free thinking. I do hate him for it, though. Trouble is, he couldn't give two hoots about that. lol Now I can't get that instagram reel out of my head. It's the one with the husky who stole the cake with audio "I have not behaved, not a single day in my life have I behaved and I am fine".
    In a nutshell, it'd be far more productive of you to not be a smart ass but be smart. Be humble, be modest, and most of all, keep your ears open and your mouth shut when the occasion calls for it. Know one, and I mean no one likes a smart ass. And just so you know, if you think my words are abrasive in nature, they aren't. Take it as a form of hard constitutive truth. Like constructive criticism. The wise man on the mountain doesn't push the student down the hill if they have something else to say....

    Did I prove you wrong? No? Of course not. (The use of the exclamation point says everything).
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 1,849
    Windows 10

    @hdmi idk man just calling how it comes across from you, i see the same pattern in most posts you do even the simple fact that you often chop everyone's post up into sentences and then quote so heavily meaning you are trying to misconstrue everything to fit your needs.
    This is something people do in real life when they want to argue with someone but basically think they are right the whole time. its not very common else we would see everyone else post like this right?

    You have comprehension problems to it seems because you are doing that very thing with me and chopping up my post and misconstruing what i said.

    Most people don't chop up people's posts like that because it is grounds for that very occurrence you are trying to take this little piece and then mold it to your standpoint every time your chop something up and quote it. Which is not really how it works because you are doing just that misconstruing most of the time.

    Yeah you may not think you are talking over people but often it comes across that way you seem a little self centered and your standpoint is the correct one kind of vibe. Sorry that is how it reads to me.

    Example I said its a thin line between being constructive vs domineering which has nothing to do with what you are saying in response. Sounds like you are misconstruing the text to fit your narrative here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    hdmi said:
    I have been using Sandboxie (and now Sandboxie-Plus) for ages. I use it primarily as an added layer of browser protection with portable Firefox.
    Here ok so talking about the browser in the first sentence the rest is just emotional padding about how you think you are the only person doing this. I don't really get some people sometimes sorry.

    - - - Updated - - -

    We are starting to derail the thread. Sorry this was not meant to be an attack but i will say something if it bothers me. I will not continue further.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 15,881

    I never really saw much point in sandbox tools.

    It is far easier to create Hyper-V virtual machines. Hyper-V virtual machines are run as separate segregated instances by the hypervisor. Of course, you need to insulate a vm from access to external host drives and netork drives so you cannot crossinfect host pc.

    I suspect majority of people who use Sandboxes do not really need the level of sophistication when they could use Hyper-V virtual machines coupled with sound backup strategies (coupled with common sense).

    I have messed around with Hyper-V vms doing my best to get a device infected (harder than you think), and when I do, I just delete thr infected vhdx file and revert to my base case vm.

    I am sure some security "experts" will tell me I am wrong, but I believe a lot of sandbox "rhetoric" is largely hype.

    In the end, I think they are only needed by people with very particular cyber-requirements, not just dodgy surfing and worrying about ransomware.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    Like I made mention of already. I have my parents (close to 70 in age) use Sandboxie for a more secure environment. Can you even imagine the day I have them use something like VMware or Kubernetes? LOL!

    - "Hey son, what was that command again to install pip so I can run this awesome script in one of my docker containers for photo editing in the cloud?"

    - Mom, I told you once and I'll tell you again! Just go to github and open an issue!"
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,849
    Windows 10

    Sandboxie runs as a user on the host machine, it uses tokens to restrict programs from doing basically anything to the underlying OS unless you alow it, it is also redirecting NTDLL.sys calls so low level before win32 to its own driver and then deciding what is allowable and what is not.

    We are basically protecting and Sandboxing on a native host level vs Hyper V being a full hypervisor which is tier 1 and needs a guest OS to operate which means overhead and is again one step to far over.

    Unless there is a way that i don't know about i am also not overly familiar with hyper V i have used it but not much, regardless i have used plenty of other hypervisors and they are all pretty similar i also have a server rack with various eqiupment so i know enough here to know what i am talking about i think.

    This also means we get all the normal features you would expect when using a web a browser normally on your computer without this sort of stuff but you can limit what it can and cannot do.

    Sandboxie is elegant middle ground, Hyper V is one step to far over.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok another way to look at it is Sandboxie is good for segregating applications from the native operating system.

    A hypervisor is more in tune with segregating a whole operating system from a native operating system where the user might need that sort of scope or if in the case of bare metal then managing a stream of operating systems independently of each other.

    We don't really need this level of segregation if all we are doing is segregating a web browser. I know OP never specified but this has been the basis of the thread by way of example since several posts back as Sandboxie is good with web browsers and was always one of its selling points even to this day it still has a blurb on its page.

    it is not limited to this as it can be used for anything i used to use it to cheat in some games and you can even use it to multibox some games where it will only let you have one instance of the client open for example but it is also well good for sandboxing stuff naivety without the extra overhead given by a hypervisor it basically does very similar just on a native level.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,208
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