Paul Black said:
I having been working on a Script for Defender information. I have pretty much finished it except I just can NOT seem to find the parameters for EACH of the below. By parameters, I mean for EXAMPLE 0=Disable, 1=Block, 2=Audit Mode. Information on the Net is NOT very forthcoming in respect to parameters for Get-MpComputerStatus: or Get-MpPreference:.


I can't help you with all the parameters you outlined because I never researched them, surely if you dig hard enough then you can harvest this info, surely this is not some top MS secret.

Except for ASR (Attack Surface Reduction) rules, you can take a look at my ASR scripts below:

Example how to configure ASR rules on local or remote computer: Deploy-ASR.ps1
Example how to display current status of ASR rules on local or remote computer: Show-ASR.ps1

For more information on how to configure ASR rules see link below:

For your other WD parameters, the docs which you are looking for is here:

Use side bar on the left to search for details, this are all configurations for WD for endpoint, you can find a lot of info there because under the hood most of the stuff applies to standard WD configuration trough GPO or with PowerShell, but I don't have direct links because my interest was only ASR and ATP.