What's the difference between virtual lock or virtual encryption - huge. Encryption corrupts data and lock just locks it. Custom software in Microsoft first party which is shit anyway they led by gov and agencies and feds. Or there is a software for that on web. Just by making software that adds a file inside hdd that contributes to software you run on Windows or Linux to unlock it without messing with encryption only cause feds would unlock for example the integration is enough the data must not be foreground plainly shaped with encryption in front. BitLocker is front end anyway. But all integrity is front end on high end programming understood virtually. So the integrity is the low end and if you can make software lock it firmware level the data in chip or disk would be locked.
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Or you can make change editors choice manufacturers the inclined systematics steal some chess and make your own hdd funnier on jokers that way
You're entitled to your opinion. I certainly don't share them and have never had any issues with BitLocker.
We'll agree to disagree agreeably.