Is this activity in my google account normal?
Is this activity in my google account normal?
I checked the activity for my gmail account by clicking down right on on List Account Activity" and I found some odd account activity (see picture) from a Microsoft 365. As the picture shows, the activity is taking part in Austria from the IP
I live in the UK, so I suspect someone is using my account in Austria?
Should I change my account password?
Any help much appreciated

It won't hurt to change password it's a pain if you have lots devices. Have you got office? As it's same time as you it maybe just back ground data
It won't hurt to change password it's a pain if you have lots devices. Have you got office? As it's same time as you it maybe just back ground data
I've got Office365 yes, not sure what you mean with "background data", you mean some Office service is working from Austria? ...that makes sense, I checked the website mentioned by Fabler and it seems to be a Microsoft site.
However: I changed my google password and now I'm not seeing any foreign IPs any more.
Thanks for your answer.
As others have said you can change your password like you did, and then check again, but I'm betting it's part of the sign in. Look at the times for that, and the other that is the same place. They vary by one minute consistent with the other one. To me that is just how Google identifies it. Keep an eye on it, and see if it comes back later. I've had several different "sources" show on mine, and I know they are all real. Also check your Google account, and look for "Recent activity" to see if anything shows there.

As others have said you can change your password like you did, and then check again, but I'm betting it's part of the sign in. Look at the times for that, and the other that is the same place. They vary by one minute consistent with the other one. To me that is just how Google identifies it. Keep an eye on it, and see if it comes back later. I've had several different "sources" show on mine, and I know they are all real. Also check your Google account, and look for "Recent activity" to see if anything shows there.

Thanks for that, that makes sense.