Windows 10 Firewall Issue (1909)

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    Windows 10 Firewall Issue (1909)

    Whenever I block a program from accessing the internet using Windows 10 Firewall Advanced Settings (Inbound/Outbound,it always shows up as checked in the Allowed Apps and Features firewall section. Doesn't a check mark next to a program mean that it has network access through the Windows Firewall? As you can see in the the 1st screenshot, I have blocked Evil Within in the Outbound Rules and in the Inbound Rules *Didn't include a screenshot from the inbound section, but the rule is there and it is active* However, it still appears in the Allowed Apps and Features section with a check mark next to it. It does this with any program that I try to block. Also, with certain programs (such as Steam) when I first install it and run it, it will tell me that it's blocked some features of the program, etc, and so I select Private..yet, when I check the Allowed Apps and Features along with the Advanced Settings it has created rules that allow it access for both private and public access. I've tried setting the Firewall to default settings, but the same thing still occurs.

    In the 2nd and 3rd screenshot you can see what happens when I remove the check mark from Evil Within, it disables the private and public blocking rule and for some reason keeps the domain rule active (I'm not in a domain) in the Inbound Rules, but if I check the Outbound Rules it shows that the blocked rule is just fine and is active. What am I doing wrong? Are you only supposed to block Outbound Connections and then leave the Inbound Rules section alone lol?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windows 10 Firewall Issue (1909)-untitled.png   Windows 10 Firewall Issue (1909)-2.png   Windows 10 Firewall Issue (1909)-33.png  
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