How to know if my PC is safe ?

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  1. Posts : 272

    How to know if my PC is safe ?

    How to know if my PC is currently safe and don't have anyone trying to steal data / files from my computer?

    I have a No.1 enemy that we hate each other so much, and he is a game programmer, I don't know how deep his knowledge is, what I can do is to look for ways to protect myself.

    Any advice?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 31,014
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Run a good AV. Change the default password of your router and if you shared wireless password change it.

    As a precaution get a second AV like Malwarebytes and do periodic scans.

    Never follow links or open attachments unless you know they are from the person you expected. Id's can be spoofed. An email with an attachment with the words "Thought you would like this" is bait. Emails should have enough info in them that you can confirm the sender. If not ask the sender.

    Curiosity kills the cat. We tried to delivery a parcel, here is a voice mail or you owe money for a parking ticket - see attached picture are all working on human emotions. Curiosity, fear, greed.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,574
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    Whomever may try to get your log-in details for various websites & lock you out of them so some suggestions are to use two-factor authentication on not just your Microsoft account but on all accounts which have the feature, make sure you have a different password for all accounts, use a real-time anti virus software, MalwareBytes & an on-demand scanner like Eset’s online scanner or adwcleaner.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 31,014
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Great points.

    I would add if you use Security Questions on sites they need to be reviewed. I answer them as a crazy person but I keep everything documented in a password manager.

    When I say crazy it might ask what is your favorite colour, I answer Frying pan. No one is going to guess that answer ever.

    With all we share on social media security questions are being phased out but are still in use.

    As Bastet says 2FA eliminates the need for security questions and is the way to go. I use the text option for 2FA and always update and use an alternate method to verify yourself. Some give backup codes, other use a home phone, etc.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,492
    Windows 11 Home

    I would suggest to try out those as basics (a firewall is a must):
    Setup a safer DNS and use some extensions to block phishing/malware links, like:
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 668
    Win 10 pro

    Tsw88 said:
    How to know if my PC is currently safe and don't have anyone trying to steal data / files from my computer?

    I have a No.1 enemy that we hate each other so much, and he is a game programmer, I don't know how deep his knowledge is, what I can do is to look for ways to protect myself.

    Any advice?
    Make peace :)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8,031
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    All good advice above but personally I wouldn't trust Russian products like Kaspersky. Note you will never be safe from intelligence agencies should they take an interest in you.
      My Computers

  8. xTL
    Posts : 396
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    Steve C said:
    All good advice above but personally I wouldn't trust Russian products like Kaspersky.
    Hi Steve, i'm curious, as to why you would not trust kaspersky, do you mind telling me :)?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8,031
    Windows 11 Pro 64 bit

    xTL said:
    Hi Steve, i'm curious, as to why you would not trust kaspersky, do you mind telling me :)?
    US & UK governments do not approve the use Kaspersky software and some UK banks e.g. Barclays have withdrawn the free licence. This is due to Kaspersky software being developed in Russia and the perceived risk of the software containing vulnerabilities at the request of you know who.
      My Computers

  10. xTL
    Posts : 396
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    Steve C said:
    US & UK governments do not approve the use Kaspersky software and some UK banks e.g. Barclays have withdrawn the free licence. This is due to Kaspersky software being developed in Russia and the perceived risk of the software containing vulnerabilities at the request of you know who.

    So this is the reason as to why You do not trust kaspersky labs...

    You do realize that the reason why the US gov now has issues with kasperksy labs is because of political bs right?
    Barclays has been adviced by the NCSC, which in turn follows in the US footsteps.
    Statements that has been claimed against kaspersky are just rumors & accusations at best nothing more,
    there are no real evidence. Just anonymous sources.

    I actually thought that you had a valid reason not to trust kaspersky labs, but to just blindly go on what the gov says, that is vague.

    Me personally, I've been using kaspersky antivirus more than 10 years, and i've never had a virus, malware or other malicious code in my system as long as kaspersky was installed.
    I've had alot of monitor software over the years including pi.hole,
    That i've now been using over a year, and i've been monitoring what's being sent and what isn't being sent from my network. Kaspersky labs does not collect personal data!
    This is my reason to trust kaspersky.

    Kaspersky CEO, Eugene Kaspersky even offered to up the source code for US govt so that they could examine it. If the rumored statements were true, he would not have offered this!

    There are lots of discussions about this over the net, here are a few and they make fair points in there.

    Your reason to mistrust kaspersky labs isn't justified.
    Last edited by xTL; 30 Sep 2018 at 11:06.
      My Computer


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