I'm computer technician who needs to install the same software in a bunch of computers in 2 scenarios:
1) on a AD envoriment which I DON'T have access to the server (and the sysadmin won't be easing my life)
2) on a NON AD envoriment

I was thinking using PSExec on the AD envoriment and maybe create a FOG server on the NON AD envoriment ('cause I gonna need to install some other software in the future for sure)

I was thinking using this tools 'cause, for me, a newbie on alternatives, think is the best choice, but if you guys have better options, feel free to suggest.

I tried follow some guide on the youtube and the internet, but seems like the version they using of PSexec is different on mine and I can't find the exactly version they using to make it work.

Also, I tried creating a shared folder on the local network and tell Psexec to remotely install the software using that shared folder, but didn't worked. My attempt looked like this:
.\PsExec.exe \\remotecomputerip -i -s -u remoteadminuser -p remoteadminpassword msiexec.exe /i "\\foldershare\Softwares\7z2404-x64.msi" /qn /norestart but didn't worked at all.